As long as you buy from a verified seller you should be good, but a lot of people get a few good ratings and then scam people on that site. I would suggest to use with caution if wanting to buy an account.
Redskins fan here. Expecting another shit year from RG3, he is too injury prone. Hopefully he proves me wrong and put up numbers like his rookie year though. Hail to the Redskins
Lacy or Lynch are going to be my first round draft pick in Fantasy Football this year.
I do remember Brady sucking the first few games last year. Shouldn't have even won against the Seahawks last year. Good luck with that.
I play a bunch of random games, Elder Scrolls Online, Battlefield, the Total War series, Halo. Just started playing The Witcher 3, its pretty fun so far.
What is a good set up for a higher level player? (80+ all combat stats)
The script is working great, but im using quite a few prayer potions. Im wondering what I should use to have better runs.
Also sometime my character gets stuck behind the chest at clan wars and will just stand there until I manually move him. Is there a fix to this? It doesn't happen often, but the character will just stand there until I manually move him back to the chest.
so many custom games i used to play with my friends. We used to have a group of like 30+ people who always played with eachother when every any of us were on. I feel like I got to get the gang back together and have a halo game night. I probobly still have all those custom games on my profile.