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Everything posted by Stormtrooper

  1. Stormtrooper

    BETA v1.7.2

    got maze while using and it worked, verifying again that it does work
  2. XboxOne Argument- Halo 5. Is there really any other argument needed? But in truth the ps4 looks a whole lot better than the xboxone, nonetheless im getting both
  3. That man is smartest man i have ever seen, give him an award!
  4. You are now breathing manually.
  5. Blizzard has contracted to make DIablo III with the PS3 and Xbox360 at this time. With E3 going on right now, today Blizzard will be talking about future games with the new gen consoles. As for the new gen consoles they have not stated if it will only be for the PS4 or for the XboxOne as well. They have talked about bringing other games to the new gen consoles such as Starcraft and a new mmo they have started making. I personally am interested in how Diablo will do with the consoles. Even though im not a Diablo fan I will be getting it when it comes out. Release date of Diablo for consoles has been announced for Septemper.
  6. Yeah I agree, not a great build.
  7. Dont know release dates but Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped (ps1)- My all time favorite game - Last played on easter whenever that was. I try to play it about every 6 months. Army Soldiers (ps1)- Havnt played in while due to game breaking, this reminded me i should buy a new copy Crash Team Racing (ps1)- Great racing game. Spent most of my childhood playing this game. - Last played about a month ago. Halo 1 + Halo 2: (xbox): Both epic campaigns. - Played through entire halo series right before Halo 4 came out.
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