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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Ricky

  1. can be said either way, gives sentence the same meaning /closed
  2. :P I was just saying that because it's really good
  3. if this is for sotw, then you are disqualified
  4. i dont feel like fighting you right now. id apreciate you just respond in the fucking private chat i made. thats why i made it. so when i get fucking pissed off i wont get warning points about flaming you. just take whatever you have to say that, i dont really feel like being banned right now. my day has been worse nuff without you and being a dick about it
  5. Mald is on a not unbanning spree
  6. I didn't know black people have 2 inch dicks
  7. Ask them to come to your house. Their technicians know their shit
  8. Hes a faggot and should go back to africa
  9. Ricky


    Go back to africa
  10. I have an idea... bond trades cannot be consider 'unique' feedback?
  11. Ricky


    You are so dumb and uncreative that it is not even funny.
  12. Ricky

    C4D - CNC

    Not bad for your first time :P
  13. I'd love to see a script updated to the sdn. Oh look the guy who wrote the script posted above me....
  14. My question is: Who alches anymore?
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