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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Ricky

  1. If the ads block you, just get adblock on google chrome, then right click, ad block, block this ad.
  2. @echo off java -DsocksProxyHost= -Dsock.ProxyPort=1080 -cp osbot.jar org.osbot.engine.Main pause
  3. Can you add an option for 'none' in the poll?
  4. you dont get posts in spam
  5. Your #1 and #2 should be: Cpu optimization Proxy Suppot
  6. Can confirm. Verified has gotten a lot of bans lately(he bots merching)
  7. Maybe Fifa? You can like sell coins or something like that....
  8. Ricky

    OSBot 1.8.1-6

    Can you add proxy support?
  9. take out that v1.71, unless you have the psd
  10. then why did u release a free cooker...
  11. They're already starting to flood the chat box
  12. Ricky


    thanks @Ande
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