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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Deffiliate

  1. The game begins again tonight - The Khaleesi, her dragons, and her breasts Can't wait to finally see her lay siege on Westeros with her dragons. - The Stark wolves are beaten, after the Red Wedding. However if one of the stark children make it back to winterfell the country will rally to their side (Like a pack of wolves). - The Lannisters believe they have all the power, but they're just as vulnerable as the rest. How will they defend themselves from dragons & The undead White walkers coming from the north? Gold can't buy you everything. - The wildlings and their King are often under-estimated players in the game. If they're fleeing south of the wall then you know there's some bad shit behind them. It will be fun to see how they deal with the southerners :P Da' best trailer
  2. I'm trying to understand what you're asking here? You're asking how to determine which state you should be in? Well I see you mentioned states, so I guess I can show you my State class (Called a Task): package def.api; import org.osbot.script.Script; public abstract class Task{ public abstract int run() throws InterruptedException; public abstract boolean valid(); private String name = "N/A"; private Script s; public String name () { return name; } public void setName(String name){ this.name = name; } public static Task getValid(Task[] tasks){ for(Task t: tasks){ if(t.valid()){ return t; } } return null; } public Task(){ } public Task(String name){ this.name=name; } public Task(String name, Script s){ this.name=name; this.s = s; } public Script getS() { return s; } public void setS(Script s) { this.s = s; } }
  3. Pfft.;.. I'm constantly plotting my scam-quit.
  4. Swizzbeat, on 03 Apr 2014 - 10:03 PM, said: Nick is OSBot's BIGGEST MISTAKE
  5. Deffiliate


    Should we start performing sacrifices to please him?
  6. Just so you guys know this won't work against any of my bots, I implemented an anti-luring system like a month ago.
  7. Well I play with myself quite often.... so, yeah.
  8. LOLOLOLOL, I know who it is ^_^
  9. I'd have to go with the hair, 'cus my nipples are really sensitive so if they moved to a part of my body that's exposed they'd be getting rubbed all day and I couldn't handle all that stimulation.
  10. You've got a beautiful voice :3 Those voice lessons definitely paid off, I remember listening to your first cover and you've gotten much better. Oh, and @ this: I struggle with it as well. Just keep your head up and never lose hope. GL with your adventures in life good sir.
  11. +1 Agreed, Timerkeeper shut the fuck up.
  12. angst for wut? You're just too scared to submit a real appeal and return to the OSB chat 'cus u know that's where the most hard-core reside.
  13. Hell ya man, freedom of speech/ freedom to talk shit # 'Merica
  14. well you already kinda' took the shit, question is what you gonna' do about it? Fuck 'dat negro up.
  15. U make all these threads about people being bitches, but that in itself makes you a little butthurt bitch. Go cry a bit moar and quit wasting our valuable space here in OSB Spam.
  16. Gay porn is art, there's something about a man fucking another man in the bum that's just beautiful.
  17. Yeah, you had it figured out precisely. Here's a custom snippet (Credits go to Toph): public boolean selectMenuOption(String action, String noun) throws InterruptedException { if (!s.client.isMenuOpen()) return false; boolean found = false; int index = 0; List<Option> menu = s.client.getMenu(); for (; index < menu.size(); index++) { if (menu.get(index).action.equals(action) && menu.get(index).noun.contains(noun)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { int x = s.client.getMenuX(); int y = s.client.getMenuY() + 21 + index * 14; return s.client.moveMouseTo(new RectangleDestination(x, y, s.client.getMenuWidth(), 10), false, true, false); } s.moveMouseOutsideScreen(); return false; }
  18. I say it should be allowed because many times I can find great deals on certain items, while other times I'm offering great deals on items i'm just too impatient to sell. Plus, I quite like being on a botting site and seeing all the items people are buying/selling. it shows that us botters are making da' geepees and sparks up conversations about gold-farming.
  19. You guys seem like a bunch of bad-ass gangsters that i'd be scared of IRL. If I see you guys I'll scream "Rape!" and run home.
  20. I feel like the idea OP is suggesting isn't the same as what you're describing. IF they implement it the way you're describing it I would love to have the feature.
  21. Ehh not sure, whichever one RSB provided at the time.
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