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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Deffiliate

  1. LOL not true. I wrote a few scripts for RSBot back in the day and they were all packaged.
  2. Sometimes I wish I was a cloud.
  3. Yes, we are like the sun rise bringing light to this dark and cold world.
  4. That's awesome man I loved Iroh. Could you try to make draw him fire-bending tea?
  5. Just google: "Olivia Munn jumping into a giant pie." Ya I would eat her like my birthday cake:
  6. does this please you Pie God?
  7. Given the opportunity, would you want to be a leader of a cult that thinks you are their god? INB4Maldesto proclaims he is our god!
  8. Deffiliate


    poke her on Facebook.
  9. I want to design my script to have a lot of small compact UI modules that you can re-arrange however you want. Sort of like RS3's menus but WAYYY sexxieerr. Here's an old compact paint I made that was drawn entirely with the Java Graphics and Graphics 2D API.
  10. Here's what it currently looks like : http://puu.sh/6Z12T.png It's decent but I think it's too bulky and i dont like the area where im going to put my stats. This is the thread with what my ideas were: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/38191-king-of-the-dragons-needs-a-makeover/ Before I pay him more for the next part of the project id like to know what your guy's opinions are.
  11. I wouldnt be paying anyone 50m, especially not someone who's already fucked me over... why not just make a new Skype and avoid that guy?
  12. LOL only 1 script but I love it and take care of it I'd recommend using green dragons until 80's stats at least. You make 200k/hr @ Greens with 70's stats.
  13. So, I need a script paint and a logo design for my script King of the Dragons. I want something that's really cool to look at. I'm willing to pay up to $45 for the design. Here's the current layout: I still want to keep track of all of those stats. So I need 3 seperate things deigned. I want them all to fit into a theme. Also, if you want you could make all of the UI's use similar texture etc. Here's the 3 parts I need made: 1) The logo / display over the chat. I want this part to be extravegant looking, and (Possibly) have the following elemnents: Dragons, caves, gold, royalty, fire/lava. My idea for this part was to ahve it resemmble the inside of a dragon's cave. Loaded with gold, fire, and lave. Then have a dragon and a knight mid-battle. Open to any suggestions on which theme to make the logo. This part needs to display 4 things 1) The title "King of the Dragons" 2) version 3)Time 4)State bonus points for creative looking UI's (AKA not just a translucent box) 2) A cool looking UI to display the combat stats in AKA this: http://puu.sh/6WDbP.png This part should be theme around AKA alotta' swords/skulls/ dragon bones and carnage. 3) A loot logger display. Example: http://puu.sh/6WDMA.png I'd like for this to be designed to look like a trease room / chest or something.
  14. 8==================================================================================================================D
  15. Just gave you 1-star for being a dick-tator
  16. He hasn't just helped us, he helped our users as well. I dont think he's going to list every one of our users that he's helped.
  17. Fuck that, failed deserves the rank more than most people on the forums. The mother fucker is in my thread every day helping the noobs that can't read. If it weren't for him I would have shot myself by now.
  18. 'cuz fake Twitch views are for losers.
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