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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Deffiliate

  1. It teaches all of the fundamentals. Including Variable, Objects, Methods, the core API, OOP, Exceptions, GUI's, and lots more.
  2. My personal favorite is Head First into Java.
  3. I didn't vote, because the answer depends on this question: Do you still get a boner looking at your own sig? If not, it's time for a new sig.
  4. The problem isn't with the scripts. The problem is in the client's code, so once the client is updated your scripts will begin working as usual. No script updates necessary.
  5. I agree with Satan, the circles kill it. Everything else looks sweet tho
  6. People already have access to google. They can find the competitors if they wish to do so. Wouldn't it be better they hear that they heard the pros and cons of our competitors from us as opposed to bullshit advertisements on Google? I mean alot of people probably come on this site wondering what makes it better than the rest. Without open discussion about these types of things what's to stop them from leaving and joining another site?
  7. Olivia Munn is always on-beat.
  8. It's fucking PARTY TIME BITCHES! Post a whole bunch of awesome flash files, GIF's, sexy females, porn links and let's celebrate not being dead!!! https://7chan.org/fl/src/Because_You_Are_You.swf https://7chan.org/fl/src/mindgamedance.swf https://7chan.org/fl/src/LOL_INTERNET.swf
  9. https://7chan.org/fl/src/Because_You_Are_You.swf https://7chan.org/fl/src/mindgamedance.swf https://7chan.org/fl/src/LOL_INTERNET.swf
  10. I think the rule stating that we're not allowed to discuss competitor's bots should be removed. Our users should be given all the information and then be allowed to make an informed decision on their own. Free discussion of the pros and cons of our competitors would only promote our developers to make our own client in every aspect. Also, if we can't discuss the competitors here then new users may begin googling other bots and reading false advertisements that claim their bot to be the best. QUIT CENSORING US. Btw, the reason I was prompted to write this thread is because someone was considering using another bot in the chat today and it was against the rules for me to talk about the cons of using the particular bot.
  11. Ya she's annoying as fuck. She got someone banned someone for posting pictures of her after she went on livestream and showed herself. Oh, and also she disapproves of men e-whoring for cash.
  12. Deffiliate


    Are you by any chance going to make this open source?
  13. IDC what he did, I'm gonna' miss him
  14. Why not just make the rule NO marketplace advertisements? If someone needs a service done I doubt the chat box is the place they'll go to look for one. The only purpose those messages serve is to annoy the people having a good time in there.
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