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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Deffiliate

  1. Not it's just personal prefence. For example: Desinger's entry combined a nice theme, with a great UI, professional, text, Interactive (Tabs), and even a SDN logo (He went above and beyond!, now for Zaros I liked his theme and user interfaces (For ores), i thing he should have put more attention to detail, added more info, maybe displayed some things in a more compact way. And finall,y alphaDeign's just had a unigue, sleek UI. He could have spent more time making the elements match the theme more. I loved then entries, and hope to host many more Gfx competitions! ;D
  2. No, actually you're 4th in my eyes
  3. My votes: 1st - Designer 2nd - Zaros3rd - alphaDesign
  4. $20 + $20 in Mad Scientist's creations. (From mine nad NEzz's collection)
  5. Like I said , this is also to determine runners- up. I'd acutally say 2nd and 3rd have multiple possible winners.
  6. We're going to do voting so we can determine runners- Up
  7. We got alot of really sweet art. We liked alot of the ideas and style people were using. It showed me how many people here on OSBot have some sick talent (Just need more experience ^.^) Runner up prizes: NEzz and I also decided we're going to offer to mine and Nezz's collection of scripts for the runner's up. - These auths will last for one month. First runner up will receive up to $20 in Mad Sceintist creations. First runner up will receive up to $15 in Mad Sceintist creations. A List of our creations: King of the Dragons - $10 http://osbot.org/forum/topic/22128-king-of-the-dragons-aio-dragon-slayer/ Mother of Ores - $5 http://osbot.org/forum/topic/48783-mother-of-ores-a-mad-scientist-creation-xp-ores-mining-suit/ Blast Furnace - $25 http://osbot.org/forum/topic/47273-the-blast-furnace-by-dwarven-engineering/ Rock crabs - 5 dollars http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/284-nezzs-rock-crab-fighter/ Telle Tab maker- 8 dollars http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/321-nezzs-tab-maker/ AIO Rc'er- 10 dollars http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/283-nezzs-runecrafter/ Nezz's Balls :3 - 2dollars http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/355-spooky-cball-maker/ @Islam's Entry! @Designer's Entry! script logo: main tab: Resource tab: Statistic's tab: @alphaDesign's Entry! @Revert's Entry! @Zaros's Entry! @Scotty's Entry!
  8. Yeah, everyone entries for the competition are clsoed. Nezz and I are gonna' compile it into a list so everyone can see the art. Those that have kept their entries private please post them now.
  9. Most likely web-cam at least while im talking about the features Maybe i'll draw some pics nd shit too. I don't have any good video etditing software anymore. Can anyone reccomend a good one? I want to hear everyone else's voices too!
  10. So, after you-tubing Magic Trainign Arena and finding a bot vid on the internet it's sparked me to create a few videos for my bots. I think all the programmers on OSBot should start doing this! ) Working on King of the Dragons now. It's goign to have my voice, overview of features, and a few bots runnign at different dragons simultaneously. @Eliot also has one made for me. Haven't seen it yet though (Put it up:)
  11. All my Bf'ers got banned finally. Im moving on to afe-spotting blue dragons on a few ranges. What are you farming now?
  12. Well with that one the benefit is that you're running android(Good for Tablet UI) when in tablet mode, or Desktop Version of Windows 8 (Good for PC work) in PC mode. It's got the power and functionality of a PC combined with the entertainment and convenience of a tablet. But I understand you may want a full-blooded tablet.
  13. Dude, there are so many sweet powerful tablets out right now. IMHO, best bang for your buck is an Android device all the way. Newegg's a good place to buy tablets online, I bought an Asus Nexus 7 off them. Check this out :3
  14. Also, @Timekeeper is hosting a Billion gp bash. He's giving out a billion 07 GP worth of GP, pizza, and prizes!
  15. No i don't, and I can't wait to see your submission. (I was personally hoping someone would Out-Design Desinger! :P)
  16. You can make it any size you want, anywhere that looks good on the client. Designer said he doesn't want to make his submission public yet... I wish he would though so others might get a bit more inspired after seeing his Design!
  17. You're right, it's not fool-proof. But if someone's going to go to those lengths to cheat I don't think there's any system that would stop them. I still think a live interview would be great.
  18. Ya baby! :3 Can't wait to full my tabz with glorious botted lootz.
  19. 1) Idk on that one, but i'm sure there are some devs here that speak other languages. Maybe they could help out. 2) I don't think you'd have to go on camera... I mean if you're being asked questions in real-time it's hard to cheat because the questions that would be asked should be very specific, and therefore hard to google an answer quickly. 3) OSBot never sleeps man.
  20. how so? Are you too shy to talk to people that are interested in the same things as you? (Botting and programming)
  21. I think the application should consist of 2 parts: 1) A review of your code. 2) A quick test (Taken live in front of the test admins so you can't cheat)
  22. You've got my full support brother.
  23. I'd just like to say Designer's entry is setting the bar really high. If anyone else is going to win the competition it's going to have to be something really cool.
  24. Deffiliate


    What classes do you take bro?
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