You do realize how easy it would be for me to make an impostor skype, change the link in my skype button to make people add my impostor skype rather than my real skype, scam them, then change my skype back to how it originally was...
I can see people doing exactly as I said in the future. You shouldn't force people to use it. So long as they have their skype public, that should suffice. People just need to learn how to read, add skypes and trade safely.
I've added dozens of skypes and never added an impostors skype before. It's honestly just common sense...
You can't do everything for a child, such as giving them everything they want, making sure they never get injured and being there at a whims notice and not expect them to grow up as a well mannered young person. They will be a spoiled brat that wants everything their way.
Although I know there are a lot of impostors, people just need to learn how to read and PM...