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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. RoomScape

    Timezone Fix.

    Can someone change my timezone to -5 GMT, please.
  2. They get paid for advertising certain RSPS', so maybe that's a reason why it's not allowed.
  3. You can always do your own mini investigation with the evidence provided and come to your own conclusion. But I guess you're right. I don't want someone banned just because they're banned on another site, That's preposterous. Just ban the scammers that are banned and with a scam report with sufficient evidence to prove he scammed.
  4. The '-.-' concluded that I didn't think it was funny and therefore sarcasm. Come on, keep up.
  5. -.- While you're at it, fix my time to -5 GMT. O.o I think daylight savings messed it up.
  6. It's ok, so long as you admitted it. Now be a good mod and in delete my thread, please.
  7. fuBring it back. y u do disBring it back!
  8. Who's the powerabusing mod that did it?
  9. Ooh, I see. I have a personal skype, but I literally never used it. I made it because someone wanted me to and we spoke for a bit and haven't really after. xD I rather text/call people, tbh.
  10. What is this? Someone taking blame upon themselves for their own mistakes and not saying they were hacked by the bot? +1 to you, good sir. I'm sure we've all been there, just make sure you don't do it in the future.
  11. Idk why you didn't do this from the start. :p
  12. Haha. xDI don't mind it so much, but I don't care either way. I guess it's a symbol of what you've accomplished so it can be argued to keep it, but it's also part of the market so that's another argument against it being everywhere else. I don't mind so much, doesn't bother me.
  13. Those designs are totally different from specific words designed to luring unknowing customers.
  14. People generally don't take it seriously because they say the person needs a fresh start... In my opinion, the only way a person shouod get a 'fresh start' is once they've atoned for what they've done. You shouldn't be able to scam someone and get banned with the mentality of 'whatever, I'll go to this site since they won't ban me'... Yes, people can be sorry and should get a second chance, but they shouldn't get that chance before making up for what they've done.
  15. I guess. I don't mind either way, but I just think people should be able to use it so long as they don't abuse it to the point where it messed up the forum layout, but it shouldn't be able to do that since there's a character limit in thread titles.
  16. What people don't get is that when you enter a Skype, it gives you a lot of suggestions to other people, however the first person on the list is the person you're trying to add. Everyone else are just suggestions in case you mistyped the name in Skype. If you mistype the name in Skype, it gives you the closest match it thinks is correct. If you add my Skype (live:roomscape), the first one is me, however the 2nd and 3rd and so on are other people with similar names that Skype is suggesting in case you mistyped my name. It's honestly not that hard to figure out. You can also right click on the name before you add the person to see their Skype name to verify whether or not they're the right person.
  17. A lot of people are already using these. Also, you shouldn't force people to do certain stuff as this. As long as they have their Skype public, I don't see a problem with it. People get impostored with or without it.
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