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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Thought I saw $12?By the way, change my time to -4, or whatever will move my time back an hour.
  2. I'll just leave this here. http://osbot.org/forum/forum/122-
  3. No...That's account sharing.
  4. You have to apply your credit to your balance. click that to do so and buy the script using your OSBot credit.
  5. Oh, I definitely made a connection, just not a connection you'd approve of. You'll soon be calling me 'Daddy!'
  6. What dispute? o.o Nick is so butthurt he's mindfucked.
  7. For the hell of it. Gtfo my thread you nub.
  8. Post whatever you want to say to him here, he'll see it. ;)
  9. Parent can't control their kid so they ask a mod on an online gaming black market/botting site to ban their kid to teach them a lesson... Not sure if serious, or trolling... Because, you know.., cutting off their internet or setting restrictions on their computer is too mainstream. If honestly just threaten him with saying I'll delete all your browsers except internet Explorer and make it so you can't download anything.
  10. Can an admin change my time accordingly, then? It's bothersome. I need the time moved up an hour, so -4, I think?
  11. Really? DLS happened a few days ago for me.
  12. I'm in Eastern USA (-5 GMT), so it WOULD be 11:20 AM right now, but due to daylight savings, it's 12:20 PM (moved one hour up). I'm browsing the forums and I've seen that the forums are one hour slow compared to my time. So, either someone messed up my time zone and put it at -6 or -4 or whatever it would be, or the forums don't support daylight savings (or maybe it's turned off?). Either way, just wondering.
  13. Where's that, by fally or something?
  14. RoomScape


    Look who's unbanned. :p
  15. You're using IE...I'm surprised it connected to OSBot at all.
  16. I hear sunlight helps. Try opening all your shades and turn on every light bulb you come across.
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