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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. y u do dis m8Wtf, you really didn't change my time? Fu </3
  2. I think it's:You can fool some of the people all the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.
  3. I'm 20. I'm immune!! YES! And I support. #BanEveryone
  4. How dare you tell him what he did or didn't mean to say. WHAT HAPPENED TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH??
  5. Huge vouch! I was hesitant about doing this at first, but it's actually pretty simple and easy! It's kind of hard finding guys with hot sisters, so I found hot girls with brothers and befriended them. It's actually a lot more efficient than finding any random guy and hoping he has a hot sister. Not all of the guys play RS, but most do. If they don't, I just take the cash in their wallet (I do that regardless, but whatever). I've made over $5k so far and my bank account is growing weekly! Major kudos to OP! I'll donate some of my earnings to you for this amazing guide. Just hit me up.
  6. RoomScape

    Timezone Fix.

    I think you already did it for me before, so it was still good. :p
  7. Exactly what I'm trying to figure out.
  8. Is it just me, or did you guys think his name was Solomon for the longest time? I always say his name and thought it was Solomon forever, what else about my life has been a lie?
  9. Well, that escalated quickly.
  10. And where exactly did you find this information?
  11. Yeah, until it's flashing behind you...
  12. Since he failed to update it, he should be forced to honor his prices.
  13. No, like wtf? What kind of question is that? Holy shit... If that's you in your sig, then sure.
  14. Were you one of the people I scammed?
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