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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Not that hard, just need other people to post or post on random threads and make sure it's not considered grave digging or spam.
  2. It's a bug, PM a supermod or post here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/16781-timezone-fix
  3. I probably should go to the dentist sometime soon.
  4. Not even joking, that seriously looks like me..aside from the messed up teeth. My friend saw it and cracked up saying when did I get a record deal. xD
  5. Too many pathetic scammers... http://osbot.org/forum/topic/43628-scammed-by-faudo/ http://osbot.org/forum/topic/43630-faudo-scam-report/ And if I went first to him, ggwp me.
  6. RoomScape


    You have a stupid swapper, you don't count.
  7. RoomScape


    Let me know when you need your monthly 5. ;)
  8. You need to post more specs for an accurate estimate rather than 13" and i5...
  9. True, but people can also spam and that's probably why posts are moderated also.
  10. If someone got scammed, we should all know immediately. Not whenever the next mod feels like coming online and looking at it. I feel posts shouldn't be moderated also - you can always infract whoever is posting out of place - but that can be argued since it's not as important. If a scammer scams someone and they file a scam report and don't bother to leave negative fb, no one else will know until a mod comes on and approves the thread...this gives the scammer more free time to go and scam others without the other people having any knowledge to their previous scams. At least with threads being posted right away, people can at least see the scam report and not trade and be safe.
  11. He actually will, I told him that and he jumped at me. I had to run for my life.
  12. I'll create some.
  13. lol. :p I don't play it anymore, but I make some money from it so whatever.
  14. I tell people if they ask me, but only about 3-4 people have asked me that. And honestly, I'm pretty sure 90% of the people our age have at least made a RS account...
  15. People go up to their friends and just randomly blurt out that they play RS?
  16. 5 hours online? Seems legit.

  17. @Amazon He was a special case, though, as I recall.
  18. Do your parents know you're gay?
  19. Alright. Yeah, he took care of you and Alek in the past.
  20. -.-Ggwp me. How do I report powerabusing staff, just PM @Maldesto again?
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