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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Make sure the seller at least gives you the account login (and verify it's the correct one) before paying him/her! RuneScape accounts are fairly easy to recover if the original owner attempts it. While there's almost no way to stop the owner from recovering the account back after selling it to you, you can make sure that no one else on this site (if not other sites) purchases the same account and gets scammed like you were! This is a thread containing a list of all the usernames (usernames differ from display names) of recovered accounts! A RS username is the name you use to sign into the game itself. A RS display name is the changeable in-game name you see. BE SURE TO REPORT THE USERNAME/LOGIN NAME AND NOT THE DISPLAY NAME! To avoid any confusion and false reports, only the login names of accounts that have had a scam report placed upon them will be added to the list! If you bought an account and it was recovered, file a scam report here! *I'll be looking over past scam reports for recovered accounts and hope the logins were posted. If you can link me to some, it would help a lot.* DON'T PURCHASE THESE ACCOUNTS! leaveour2d@hmamail.com - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/42036- - @Clarity pk3r 505 - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/41652- - @Clarity issark1 - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/38016- @OS Joshua rule factor - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/38128- - @Dat weed inonroids@live.com - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/38617- - @ImOnRoids lifebeach@live.com - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/38497- - @Al Pacino loathsomers@gmail.com - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/38066- - @Vocal greenarrow@inbox.LV - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/42849- - @Bible stak3r-1b@hotmail.com - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/46903- - @tophighscore gutsman310 - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/47315- - @kelton oskari.sauli@gmail.com - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/48051- - @ultimedown deffailed - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/48769- - @Jay Cutler crayoninpvp@hotmail.com - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/48754- - @kathan30 xsonnneee@gmail.com - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/54641- - @HindyBC a fd - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/53834- - @YinZ temejamsa@hotmail.com - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/56625- - @tebamies qscwvd - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/83317-account-recovered/ - 19854runner@yahoo.com - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/99093-dispute-against-chenier/ - @Chenier nzcoon@outlook.co.nz - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/102045-report-against-kappabug/ - @KappaBug brat@66.com - Account recovered - @M1tch stxtics@1.com - scammed by womenbecrazy - @womenbecrazy psychduck123@gmail.com - Dispute Spiderman - @Spiderman
  2. What about putty cat?You know, like tweetie bird says.
  3. Yeah, I'm in there a lot more now and I see a bunch of people either spamming market stuff with disregards to the timer and/or just spamming nonsense most if the time. It's ok to have fun, but there's a limit also. It gets annoying after a certain point.
  4. That's very rude and judgmental of you... Especially for a mod. You should be ashamed.
  5. Not exactly sure wtf I'm reading... Honestly, this looks like some guy that couldn't speak English made this up...
  6. You do realize how easy it would be for me to make an impostor skype, change the link in my skype button to make people add my impostor skype rather than my real skype, scam them, then change my skype back to how it originally was... I can see people doing exactly as I said in the future. You shouldn't force people to use it. So long as they have their skype public, that should suffice. People just need to learn how to read, add skypes and trade safely. I've added dozens of skypes and never added an impostors skype before. It's honestly just common sense... You can't do everything for a child, such as giving them everything they want, making sure they never get injured and being there at a whims notice and not expect them to grow up as a well mannered young person. They will be a spoiled brat that wants everything their way. Although I know there are a lot of impostors, people just need to learn how to read and PM...
  7. I'll have to say no. And no, it's not because I'm a bond seller.
  8. RoomScape


    That awkward moment when it's true.
  9. Don't make me bring Mira on you.
  10. Then it's apparent that we have very different tastes in music.
  11. I used to listen to music, but then all the songs got boring... So I stopped.Songs now are mostly about money or sex... And it's just annoying.
  12. I advertise selling bonds for gp all the time.
  13. The way I see it, you guys are so bored that you need to listen to music for entertainment while I don't. So, in my eyes, you're the one with the boring life.
  14. I don't listen to music, so I don't care. I can see quite a few people enjoying this, though.
  15. You're back, huh?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Master Chief

      Master Chief

      My account was pruned and they removed all my posts and reputation points. Very sad :( punishment for my mistakes. #rip top poster

    3. RoomScape


      What mistakes?

    4. DeadlyLazy


      When he apparently abused his rank as super moderator in the past.

  16. It's not that big of an issue. What I would like to see is that dispute threads aren't moderated and they're posted immediately.
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