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Everything posted by Woody

  1. In other words: Please, let me buy your reviews because I'm less better than my competitors and I think this is a good strategy to get popular.
  2. Ugh.. Your conditions and naming your states are so flawed. If you want help, post your code and perhaps we can help you with your problem. Edit: try something like this if got food if in combat area if not under attack return state.FIGHT else return state.WAIT else return state.WALK_TO_COMBAT_AREA else if in bank area return state.BANK else return state.WALK_TO_BANK
  3. Because your logic is flawed. Trust me, you will never make me upset. EDIT: Why do you even have an OUT_OF_FOOD state? What purpose does it have? Just do: if out of food -> go to bank to retrieve food (return state.WALK)
  4. Your logic is flawed. You should have more/better conditions.
  5. if (guard != null && guard.isAttackable() && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack()) return State.KILL; You need more checks other than "guard != null" if you want to fight NPC. As IHB said, you should put a sleep after interaction; a conditional sleep. if(guard != null){ if(guard.interact("Attack")) { log("Status: Attacking..."); new ConditionalSleep(4000, 500) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return api.myPlayer().isInteracting(guard); } }.sleep(); } } It will check the condition() every 500 ms and wait maximum 4000 ms before executing the interaction again.
  6. if (inventory.interact(this.basketsName, "Basket")) { There is no action option "Basket". That is why the mouse only hovers it. Also, do a null check before interacting with items. Item item = inventory.get if item != null item.interact("Fill")
  7. Learn some English dude. I hope google can translate that for you to understand.
  8. Woody


    This is so fucking old
  9. Tried using Newton's method?
  10. While animating -> find another nearby tree -> move mouse over the tree
  11. As a S2 you should remember those methods and not rely on the API docs.
  12. RS2Object obj = blah ConditionalSleep -> return obj.getId() == the changed id If the objects are not moving position, use the x and y coordinates as iJodix suggested to retrieve a certain object.
  13. You are making the same mistake for using while loop. You shouldn't use a while loop for sleeping purpose.
  14. Nope. If you really want to use a while loop, always have a backup so it doesn't get stuck in the loop.
  15. The character only animates when it's placing the ore in the furnace, therefore it will only wait for a very short period before interacting with the furnace again.
  16. You can have it so the timer begins on a certain animation, you silly.
  17. I bet you stuffed it with some delicious mayo
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