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Everything posted by Woody

  1. There's no logic in your script, that's why nothing happens. Your getState() sucks. You don't check hunter lvl in your getState(), you should only write conditions and return to different states.
  2. "If I asked you if you would have sex with me, would the answer be the some this question?" Works 95% and youll get some smooth pussy. The other 5% are girls who are too retarded ti answer; the question makes their brain explode.
  3. Clearly you don't understand how enum and finite state machine works. Read Apaec's tutorial and hopefully you'll understand it a bit better. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/58775-a-beginners-guide-to-writing-osbot-scripts-where-to-get-started-by-apaec/
  4. Enable Entity hover debug
  5. Come on man, it was only a joke. You don't have to go all in on me... I'll be honest, you are right, this is me Please don't make fun of me. It takes a lot of courage to post this picture.
  6. If you didn't care about my posts then you wouldn't have quoted me at all. Just keep snorting that stuff, dope monger.
  7. Woody

    MirrorClient v1.20

    "An error occurred while loading hooks" No log messages
  8. This is what this section is for; spamming, flaming and being totally random. I enjoy posting here and make fun of people like you. The best thing is their reaction, I just love it.
  9. Invest in a new computer and play csgo. It's reallt fun to play with friends, at least I think so
  10. Who the fuck cares about your bachelor degrees? Crack head
  11. wth your name was purple like 20 seconds ago
  12. Wow dude, you really know me. Are you a wizard or something? fuck this bs
  13. Sorry, I don't know how to smoke "Runescape". Perhaps you could show us, you're the drug user here
  14. He IS hurting someone; he's hurting the society with his bullshitting. But I don't give a fuck about that, just posted my thoughts, so fuck off
  15. get a life and do something and contribute to the society, instead of smoking pot every day and pretending to be mr fucking awesome
  16. Check the animation? Perhaps there's a certain animation id when you get stunned. Or you could check the message in the chatbox; if message that you're stunned -> sleep/wait. omg are we related or something?? Btw, inb4 @Bobrocket
  17. WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOSEEEEEE?! lol actually, typical eastern Europe (polish) style
  18. Woody

    damn it!

    aww only 1 guy recognize the reference
  19. I would strongly recommend using filter. Getting all objects is unnecessary and not so efficient.
  20. Woody

    damn it!

    15x3 woody strokes and 30 minutes cardio with ya mom
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