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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Woody

    damn it!

    nice catch btw ;)
  2. Woody

    damn it!

    the one who said it wears no glasses
  3. Woody

    damn it!

  4. Woody

    damn it!

    u buildin muscles?
  5. Woody

    damn it!

    Did someone take one of my protein bar? I could sworn there was one peanut butter left.
  6. booooooooo he's just buying likes from u guys filthy rich bastard
  7. I'm still having problem with interactions with npc. The problem only occurs when the entity is moving; the mouse will follow the entity until it stops and then interact. Take a look (the quality sucks, don't know how to get it better): I didn't have this problem in version .123. Last version before .131 I tested was .127 and it was worse than now. I made no changes in my code since version .123.
  8. Does it handle objects? Widgets? Dungeons? Teleports? Shortcuts?
  9. False. So false. The developer has its on style of interactions and will almost be the same as the rest of his/hers scripts. You got zero proof to back your theory so stop giving members false hope. On topic: Welcome to OSBot! I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.
  10. Sorry to say, but you got it all wrong. The code I posted is just a part of my attacking method. Thanks though for your explanation, however I already knew about it. Hence http://osbot.org/forum/topic/74095-hovering-entitys-option/The reason I posted here is because the bug appeared in v 127 and I made no changes in the code. When I switched back to v 123, it was working perfectly fine.
  11. Yea, your logic is wrong. Try to learn what boolean really is and you should do some null checks (check if item != null etc.). You should also learn how to use dynamic sleep instead of static sleep. How do you know that the script should sleep between 300 and 430 ms. Why 130 ms in difference? For dynamic sleep use api's ConditionalSleep.
  12. I want it to hover over the entity, noob.
  13. V .123 is so much better than .127. When the script want to attack a npc, the mouse move a few pixels towards the entity and then stops, then move again and stops, repeatedly. This is what I use: InteractionEvent ie = new InteractionEvent(entity, "Attack"); ie.setHover(true); execute(ie); Another issue with grabbing ground items; it right clicks on the ground item but doesn't interact. GroundItem gi = getGroundItems().closest("blah"); if gi != null gi.interact("Take")
  14. Item item = getInventory().getItem("blah"); item.hover(); You could do some checks to see if the mouse is within the item's bounding box; if not do hover else already hovering item.
  15. holy fuck, they are almost naked I would guess 80% of the audience are there to fap. I bet some of them even have a hole in their pocket so they can stroke themselves.
  16. Use Caesar's solution. His answer is a natural exponential function and looks better. However, I would round off the values to 3 numbers, since there are max 3 digits in the question, if you understand what I mean.
  17. I would use PUI if there are only clickable options, no typing. And you use mouselistener and rectangles to listen for interaction.
  18. I was using PUI (paint user interface) a long time ago. But it is a lot more difficult to make than a GUI. If you have a sense for graphics and if you don't overload the cpu with images, it is a really nice feature.
  19. Looks neat. Good luck my friend!
  20. Does bank support Grand Exchange now?
  21. If battery life is your priority, I would then suggest a mac actually.
  22. Makes your penis bigger No but seriously, i5 at least. i3 sucks. Here is why. Also, nVidia geforce >> intel graphic
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