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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Trust me, learn some java first. You don't have to learn everything, but you should know the basic java. Sorry, my skype is for private use only.
  2. If you think you can use same name to declare 2 different strings, then you need to learn some java. When declaring strings, ints, booleans, give it a name so you know what it is about. Example: private final String cow = "Cow"; or you can create an array of strings and the script will look and find one of the monsters private final String[] monsters = {"Lesser demon", "Cow", "Cow calf"}; In your getState() you could write final GroundItem cowhide = groundItems.closest("Cowhide"); and if(cowhide != null && cowhide.isVisible()) { return state.TAKE; } Use this http://osbot.org/api/
  3. then you should ask how to do something
  4. I wouldn't do this. This will be really buggy and hardly work. Use if-else method and get the ids for every widget; by that you can check if a widget is null or not. For instance: if(widget1 != null) { do action for(int i = 0; i < 100 && widget1 != null; i++) { sleep(random(4, 8)); // will sleep random 400-800 ms since 4*100=400 and 8*100=800, or till widget1 == null } } else { talk to foreman and wait for widget1 using dynamic sleep like a for-loop } and so on
  5. Woody


    I lol'd actually. The reason rsbot is no longer popular as it was before, has nothing to do with the amount of free scripts. I understand you. It is obvious if there is a really good AIO script, it should not compete with a free version. But some premium scripts should really not be premium, specifically scripts like ghoul killer, granite miner, cannonball smither and many more.
  6. Woody


    Yea, I also take that as you can't release a premium script if there's a same version for free.
  7. Woody


    Oh boy, I can tell that you've not been around when rsbot was the most popular bot. So many good, free scripts made by kind people. Easy to make should be free, because it's easy to make it. Hard to make should be premium if wanted, because the person devote a lot of their free time to the project; should be rewarded.
  8. Woody


    Easy-made scripts should not be premium.
  9. Woody


    I'm not planing on releasing any premium scripts. I want to release free scripts. I find it pity that some people release scripts as premium when it should be for free. Like ghoul killer for instance
  10. Woody


    It was just an example since there are already premium fletching scripts. I'm not releasing an AIO fletching script. I'm not allowed to release a premium AIO script if there's already a free one?
  11. Woody


    Don't know where else to put this, but I have a question. Am I allowed to release a free script even though there's a same script which is premium? AIO Fletcher for instance.
  12. where's the 'Activity' class? I want to see how it's set up. EDIT: It's an interface like this? public interface Activity{ public abstract boolean activate(); public abstract void execute(); public abstract String status(); }
  13. Well, if you get a message that the overload effect has run out, then yes, you can use message listener. Alternatively, you can use a timer for overload, if the effect last for 5 minutes like you said. For the absorption, you can use widgets. Read the value of the widget where the amount of absorption displays. Then you can determine whether you should take a sip or not.
  14. You've only stated what you want to write. What's your question?
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