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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Who else would represent such country?
  2. It's spam section Your statement is wrong
  3. Capitalized version is a good version, non-capitalized v is a bad version
  4. are you old enough to make a cup of tea?
  5. Woody


    $15 paypal if you wanna
  6. Woody


    This happened in the US, of course it will get shot. Even people get shot for speeding in the US. However, if this happened in Europe: First there would be political meeting between the gorilla and the zoo's staff, to reach an agreement about the child Then there would be an election letting the people to decide After the election the zoo would receive a few refugees from Syria Greece asks for money and promises they'll pay it back Hollande meets Merkel for a cup of coffee (100000th time) Propaganda against Russia and Putin Feminazis yelling women > gorilla >> men And as a conclusion after all this shit, the zoo will let the gorilla have the child because otherwise it would be discrimination to enter someone else's property and take their possession
  7. Woody


    I guess that kid didn't have 43 prayer
  8. why does the last bullet have strongest recoil?
  9. Lol, don't rely on the supplements. If you want gains create a meal plan. Never skip breakfast, most important meal, and don't replace it with "breakfast supplement". If you want to bulk, depending on your body, you should eat about every 2-3 hours. Like breakfast --> snacks --> lunch --> snacks --> snacks again --> dinner --> snacks. You can replace some of the snacks with whey protein if you want to. This is where many fail when they want to gain some muscle mass; their meal plan suck or they don't have one at all. I use creatine and whey protein because I can notice how creatine gives me more energy do to more intense reps, and the whey protein counts as snacks. I don't like pre-workout stuff because that will fuck your body up. Just focus on what and how often you are eating, and your training. Don't worry about your body adapting to the workout, that mostly happens to those who already got a lot of muscle mass. However, if you think your body has adapted, just add some more weights, it's that easy...
  10. why not track the mouse's position after a click? if interact with something == true getMouse().getPosition()
  11. Human farts are not butane gas, but still flammable
  12. Oh, didn't know that. Either way, both methods will work.
  13. You should implement MouseListener public class YOUR_CLASS_NAME extends Script implements MouseListener
  14. Because you said this: because the way I currently have it, it opens the Store but doesn't buy. So your case TRADE works but when the case BUY should be executed, it's not. So either your getState() is flawed when it should return case BUY or your case BUY is flawed. By the way, if you want help you should post your code. I'm not sure why you are trying to keep your code so secure. After all, you're a beginner in scriptning and you shouldn't worry about getting your code copied.
  15. Don't use "wait()" when you want the script to sleep. Use ConditionalSleep for dynamic sleeping open store new ConditionalSleep(5000 public boolean condition() { return store is open; } }.sleep(); //it will sleep maximum 5000 ms or until the store is open Your getState() or w/e it's called is flawed
  16. Woody

    Need help

    Post your problem here
  17. Make me a cool avatar with the letter W I fancy blue, dark red, dark green colours
  18. Just as you wrote; walk to area --> search for object using filter (area.contains(entity)) --> if it exist, interact with it
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