Lol, don't rely on the supplements. If you want gains create a meal plan.
Never skip breakfast, most important meal, and don't replace it with "breakfast supplement". If you want to bulk, depending on your body, you should eat about every 2-3 hours. Like breakfast --> snacks --> lunch --> snacks --> snacks again --> dinner --> snacks. You can replace some of the snacks with whey protein if you want to. This is where many fail when they want to gain some muscle mass; their meal plan suck or they don't have one at all.
I use creatine and whey protein because I can notice how creatine gives me more energy do to more intense reps, and the whey protein counts as snacks. I don't like pre-workout stuff because that will fuck your body up.
Just focus on what and how often you are eating, and your training. Don't worry about your body adapting to the workout, that mostly happens to those who already got a lot of muscle mass. However, if you think your body has adapted, just add some more weights, it's that easy...