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Everything posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. Love em but higher dosages tend to make me nauseous. I like Lucy over em tbh.
  2. Otherwise known as "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine," DMT is a chemical naturally produced in the human body which is responsible for the following: thought processing, dreaming and near-death experiences, as well as meditation and out-of-body experiences. You can also smoke DMT which causes intense visual hallucinations and other psychedelic phenomena such as OEV/CEV's (open/closed eye visuals) and etc. I've tried it a couple of times and my last experience was the most surreal moment in my life. Honestly words would put the memory to shame, and I really wouldn't know how to describe the whole short-lived trip. All I can say is the trip felt like it went on for a long period of time when in reality, only 15-20 minutes had passed. All in all a great experience every time, just a shame that it's so damn expensive. Any thoughts?
  3. not here to post a solution but good luck buddy, wishing you for the best of health.
  4. i made the realization yesterday that my left pec is bigger than my right
  5. i believe in you son, don't let ur memes be dreams.
  6. very reckless and dumb but glad to hear you are ok.
  7. Post a picture of yourself faggot.
  8. patience is a virtue my fren
  9. facebook comments are a cesspool of retardation and autism at it's finest
  10. Yeah it was crazy hot at the island's but it was a relaxing experience. Loved the crystal blue water.
  11. Didn't take that many pics but had a really fun time and enjoyed myself with the family.
  12. Just kidding. Just gonna be on the Carnival cruise line for around 8 days and won't have any access to internet. I'll be back with pictures. Cya soon homies.
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