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Everything posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. not interested but good luck with ur business.
  2. boy I do love me some drama in the early morning.
  3. smoke weed, entertain the girl, fuck her right in the pussy.
  4. i just listen to a lot of dirty dubstep and bass to get myself hyped for a lift.
  5. Just finally got around to watching this movie and I have to say, it was a really well made movie that I would recommend to watch. Here's the trailer if your interested.
  6. Hopefully it's within my lifetime because I find space travel and other forms of life co-existing pretty cool stuff.
  7. thanks for the daily dose of calcium
  8. if i had a scrape on my dick i would be horrified.
  9. Split my forehead open as a kid and had to get 13 stitches. I'll post a picture when I get home of it still there but fading.
  10. Lol thanks for the kind message and 100% agree on the gold digger part. Like where the fuck were you when I was making minimum wage and barely scrapping by. Thanks for all the kind words everyone, means a lot from some random dude living in in the states.
  11. We're getting recap movies as early as january 2017 I can't wait. I'm so hyped.
  12. this post helped me cure emily's cancer, thanks.
  13. yeah just not really going through a good time right now but I appreciate the comment.
  14. life really isn't that good anymore when you can't tell the difference between who's a genuine friend and who just wants you for your money.
  15. Am about to go shopping for a Wii-U for early black friday sales and was wondering if someone could head me in the right direction for the best, most recent guide for hacking a Wii-U? American version only please.
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