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Everything posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. When will the bot be back online?
  2. EDM is pretty good too, most of my friends are into it but metal is where my heart is at. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Interesting perspective, why do you prefer the white noise over music?
  3. Anything that is related to metal or rap does the trick for me. My favorite jam to get me hyped for a lift is probably this song.
  4. I'm regularly switching back from Diamond 4 to 5 on NA if you want me to boost your account. We can discuss details of pricing over skype. Still new to this website so if I'm not to be trusted, a middle man can be used if required.

    School Wifi

    Probably not the best idea but if you don't care, go for it.
  6. Damn, that sucks. You still plan on botting?
  7. what's on my mind? nothing.

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