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Everything posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. THIN FUCKING MINTS FOR DAYS what is this heresy talk you heathen
  2. what happened to the old thread?
  3. i love all kinds of milk gotta get them strong bones
  4. any man will always appreciate a good smelling cologne. but according to your friend description, might be better off buying him a game/steam credit.
  5. gtx 980 represent. gonna put my money in towards a new case + mobo and processor.
  6. gz on 99 strength irl. dam i can't imagine how shredded i'd be if i geared up too.
  7. thats a lot of dead people
  8. urban dictionary tells me muff dive.
  9. Have a happy Ramadan and try to survive the fasting.
  10. 2 hours ago. mcdonalds is love mcdonalds is life
  11. you should try pressing the play button to figure out
  12. horrible week for boxers. ;/ rip
  13. My favorite boxer dead at the age of 74. If there's an afterlife, I pray that you are in a better place now. Rip to a legend.
  14. it's a guilty pleasure that i can't stop wanting fuck off jack but forreal though my 2TB HDD is starting to fill up bro I need space for my other shit
  15. Mainly in it for the Blu Ray HD quality anime but would also like the following: TV original airings, bonus OVA/OAV's, different sub groups available, etc.
  16. if only i could still access the shitbox
  17. took me like 5 minutes to get my drag defender to drop. gl mate!
  18. hooh boy lol goodluck op ur gonna need it
  19. ya my fave 2 games to bot other than rs: neopets hello kitty island
  20. already banned after two days lol
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