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I heard when you post the same topic twice, both in the wrong sections, you get help faster.4 points
4 points
It's no longer possible to read the current growth states of crops from farming patches. It used to be; the most notable example was RSBuddy. However, Jagex felt the feature was an exploit, and the farming necklace had already existed for the purpose of tracking your farming patches. Jagex patched this. There may be a farming patch for a quest that might still work, but it's unlikely. I had worked on a farming tracker for OSBot v1 before the patch. It tracked all the herbs, and I was working to include every single farming patch in the game. :edit: I harvested toadflax from the Ardougne herb and, you're right, configuration #529 responded with the following values: 0x27030303 0x03030303 0x2c030303 0x2b030303 The values that changes are 0xFF000000 (where the "F" is, the numbers changes). To extract it, you could do: public int extractValueFromArdougneHerbPatch() { int c = configs.get(529); c >>>= 24; c &= 0xFF; return c; }3 points
giays i n3d bond toooooo i has methud that make like 100t-300b in 30 secs but i n3d members pls. @w0000ticus sorry for your lose.3 points
────────────── PREMIUM SUITE ────────────── ─────────────── FREE / VIP+ ─────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ⌠ Sand crabs - $4,99 | Rooftop Agility - $5,99 | AIO Smither - $4,99 | AIO Cooker - $3,99 | Unicow Killer - £3,99 | Chest Thiever - £2,99 | Rock crabs - $4,99 | Rune Sudoku - $9,99 ⌡ ⌠ AIO Herblore - FREE & OPEN-SOURCE | Auto Alcher - FREE | Den Cooker - FREE | Gilded Altar - FREE | AIO Miner - VIP+ ⌡ ──────────────────────────────────── What is a trial? A trial is a chance for you to give any of my scripts a test run. After following the instructions below, you will receive unrestricted access to the respective script for 24 hours starting when the trial is assigned. Your trial request will be processed when I log in. The trial lasts for 24 hours to cater for time zones, such that no matter when I start the trial, you should still get a chance to use the script. Rules: Only 1 trial per user per script. How to get a trial: 'Like' this thread AND the corresponding script thread using the button at the bottom right of the original post. Reply to this thread with the name of the script you would like a trial for. Your request will be processed as soon as I log in. If i'm taking a while, i'm probably asleep! Check back in the morning Once I process your request, you will have the script in your collection (just like any other SDN script) for 24 hours. Private scripts: Unfortunately I do not currently offer private scripts. ________________________________________ Thanks in advance and enjoy your trial! -Apaec.2 points
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2 points
So far I've managed to max a rigour tank, a 1 def pure, max melee main and almost maxed a zerk using this script, it's amazing and I've never received a single ban. When set up correctly it can run 10 hours straight and still avoid detection, it's my most used script on OSBot and I full recommend.2 points
just an update for you all, tried to post this earlier but my net is terrible currently. A fix for the world hopping has been pushed, just waiting for the update to be accepted onto the SDN for everyone. Apologies for the inconvenience. Perhaps before the update i can get a toggle implemented as ill be home to use my laptop in the next hour. EDIT: On my laptop, added a checkbox above confirm button to toggle hopping or not, running a quick test then pushing. PUSHED TOGGLE2 points
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No idea how to steer a dark trip into the light, I remember when I was having a hellish nightmare trip on shrooms and my then GF tried everything in her power to snap me out of it, she went to suck my dick in hopes to save me from the demonic torture shit but to no avail, the darkness could not be stopped. I just had to ride it out, shit was exhausting. I have had many joyous trips afterwards and a couple few more dark ones and to me it seems as if the entheogens don't give you the experience you want but the experience that you need. Look at it as a therapy session, sometimes we need to dive deep into the dark corners of our subconscious to deal with repressed fears and traumas of our past. This can get extremely uncomfortably at times but is necessary in order to grow. If shit gets too heated you can always just pop a few benzodiazepines, they should kill or at least turn down the intensity of your psychedelic trip within 30-45 minutes2 points
2 points
And this sweet drop while testing the script for update v254.0... 52 HOUR RESULT! Hotkey List // F1 = set cannon tile // F2 = hide paint // F3 = Set afk tile // F4 = reset afk tile // F6 = Set safespot tile // F7 = activate tile selector // F8 = Reset tile selector // F9 and F10 used by the client, EDIT: will re-assign as they are no longer used by client // F11 = Set breaks tile // F12 = Reset breaks tile User Interface Banking Tab Demo (handles everything with banking) You can copy inventory (to avoid adding individual items...), you can insert item names which have Auto-Fill (for you lazy folk!) and you can choose whether to block an item and avoid depositing it in bank, ideal for runes and ammo. Looting Tab Demo (From looting to alchemy, noted/stackable items too) You can choose whether to alch an item after looting it simply by enabling a checkbox, with a visual representation. All items are saved upon exiting the bot, for your convenience! Tasking Demo (Not to be confused with sequence mode, this is an individual task for leveling) You can set stop conditions, for example to stop the bot after looting a visage, you can have a leveling streak by changing attack styles and training all combat stats, you can have windows alert bubbles when an event occurs and an expansive layout for misc. options! Prayer Flick Demo (Just example, I made it faster after recording this GIF) There are two settings: Safe mode and efficient mode, this is safe mode: Fight Bounds Demo Allows you to setup the fight bounds easily! Simplified NPC chooser Either choose nearby (local) NPCs or enter an NPC name to find the nearest fight location! Simple interface, just click! Level Task Switch Demo (Switching to attack combat style after getting 5 defence) You can choose how often to keep levels together! e.g. switch styles every 3 levels Cannon Demo (Cannon is still experimental, beta mode!) Choose to kill npcs with a cannon, recharges at a random revolution after around 20-24 hits to make sure the cannon never goes empty too! Results Caged Ogres: How does this bot know where to find NPCs? This bot will find far-away npcs by simply typing the NPC name. All NPCs in the game, including their spawn points have been documented, the bot knows where they are. You can type 'Hill giant' while your account is in Lumbridge, and the bot will find it's way to the edgeville dungeon Hill giants area! Here is a visual representation of the spawn system in action (this is just a visual tool, map mode is not added due to it requiring too much CPU) Fight Area Example (How the bot searches for the npc 'Wolf') Walking System The script has 2 main walking options which have distinctive effects on the script. The walking system is basically a map with points and connections linking each point. It tells the script where to go, and decides the routes to take when walking to fightzones. Walking system 1 This uses a custom walking API written by myself and is constantly being updated as new fightzones are added. Pros: - Updates are instant, no waiting times - More fightzones are supported Cons: - Sometimes if an object is altered, the changes are not instant - Restarting the script too many times requires loading this webwalker each time which adds unnecessary memory (there is no way to make it only load at client startup since I don't control the client) Walking system 2 This is the default OSBot webwalking API - it is relatively new and very stable since the developers have built it, but is currently lacking certain fightzones (e.g. stronghold) and other high level requirement zones. It is perfect for normal walking (no object interactions or stairs, entrances etc) and never fails. Pros: - Stable, works perfect for normal walking - All scripters are giving code to improve the client webwalker - More efficient when restarting the script since it is loaded upon client start Cons: - No stronghold support yet - Some new/rare fightzones not supported yet - If there is a game-breaking update or an unsupported fightzone, it may take some time to add/repair (less than 24 hours usually) So which system should I choose? Whichever one suits your chosen fightzone best! There really shouldn't be any problems - the sole purpose of these options are for backup and emergency purposes, if the script ever messes up there is always the next option to select. Note: If the script ever fails, there will be immediate updates to fix the walking systems! Script Queue/Bot Manager: Script ID is 758, and the parameters will be the profile name that you saved in the fighter setup! Bug Report templates: New feature request - What is the new feature - Basic description of what the script should do - Basic actions for the script: 'Use item on item' etc. For when the script gets stuck on a tile (or continuous loop): - Which exact tile does the script get stuck on? (exact tile, not 'near the draynor village') - Plugin or normal script? - Did you try all 3 walking options? Script has a logic bug (e.g. dies while safespotting) or (cannon mode doesn't pickup arrows) - What is the bug - How did you make the bug happen - (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. 'make the script walk back' or something - Tried client restart? - Normal script or a plugin? - Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc.1 point
#1 SOLD MAGIC SCRIPT #1 MOST FEATURES MAGIC SCRIPT Want to see how well this script compares to other scripts? Visit the Popular Page to see the list of scripts ranked by popularity! Thank you everyone for all the support and feedback, this script officially is the most sold magic script on the market! Since 2015 it has been continually updated all the way to 2022! ESC MODE, HOVER-CLICK, NEAREST ITEM CLICK, FLAWLESS Anti-ban and Optimal script usage Anti-ban: - Don't go botting more than 3 hours at once, take breaks! Otherwise the ban-rate is highly increased! - Bans also depend on where you bot, for the best results: bot in unpopular locations Banking-related spells are the lowest ban-rate (spells which require banking or can be casted near a bank, e.g. superheating, maybe alching, jewelry enchanting etc etc) since you can just go to a full world and blend in with other non-bots (humans), for example: world 2 grand exchange If casting spells on npcs, then unpopular locations reduce the banrate by alot, So make sure not to go to botting hotspots otherwise you may be included in ban waves. - Some good areas used to be (until some got popular): grizzly bear, yanille stun-alching, any overground tiles (upstairs etc) but once the areas are overpopulated, try to go to another location which is similar to the aforementioned locations. This is a very popular thread with many many users so if a new location is mentioned, the location will be populated very quickly so I can only suggest examples of good locations - Don't go botting straight after a game update, it can be a very easy way to get banned. Wait a few hours! If you ever get banned, just backtrack your mistakes and avoid them in the future: you cannot be banned without making botting mistakes. Keep in mind you can be delay-banned from using previous scripts, so don't go using free/crap scripts for 24 hours then switching to a premium script, because the free/crap previous script can still get you banned! For more anti-ban information, see this thread which was created by an official developer: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/45618-preventing-rs-botting-bans/1 point
This is an AIO (All-in-one) bot that has almost every thieving style except blackjack, ask for a free trial by liking thread or making a post! Vyres and elves are now supported! Both can make solid profit per hour, decent passive income! BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS! WE ARE THE MOST SOLD THIEVING BOT IN OSBOT HISTORY. MOST REPLIES, MOST USERS, LONGEST PROGGIES #1 Thiever | Most Overall Sales | Most Total Replies | Most Results | 7+ Years Maintained | 'the intelligent choice' by Czar NOW SUPPORTS VYRES ONLY SCRIPT ON OSBOT AND OTHER CLIENTS THAT HAS FULL VYRE PICKPOCKETTING WITH SWITCHING. BOT SWITCHES VYRE NOBLE AND ROGUE OUTFIT APPROPRIATELY 224M made in a single sitting of 77 hours 1.1B made from elves and vyres!! ELVES SUPPORTED TOO! (NEW) 2.1m/hr, 6 crystals in 7 hrs 99 THIEVING MANY MANY TIMES, 35M EXP IN ONE BOTTING RUN!! 99 thieving in ~43k xp (12 minutes remaining)! Just got 99 proggy! Gratz to @iz0n THIEVING PET AT LVL 22 FROM TEA STALLS 11.5 HOURS, WITH PET TOO!! 610k/hr getting 99s on deadman worlds!1 point
FREE & OPEN-SOURCE _____________________________________________________________ Source code: https://github.com/apaec/aio-herblore Available on the SDN: https://osbot.org/mvc/sdn2/scripts/10 Key Features: Free & Open-source - Check out the code above Reliability - The script was developed and rigidly tested with superior reliability in mind. Multiple modes - Supported activities are listed below Task scheduling - Allows you to customise a task queue Target system - Each task can be configured with a target. When this target is reached, the next task in the queue will execute until there are no tasks remaining. Stop when λ herblore exp gained. (or out of supplies) Stop when herblore level λ reached. (or out of supplies) Stop when λ minutes passed. (or out of supplies) Randomisation - Many aspects to the script are randomised. Additionally, the script moves the mouse outside the screen when idle, alongside random mouse/camera movements. Cleaning patterns - Multiple cleaning patterns and speeds are supported, including line, snake and vertical snake. ... and many more! Supported Activities: Cleaning herbs Making unfinished potions Making finished potions Making tar Gallery: Start up GUI (Graphical User Interface): Paint: User screenshots: Testimonials:1 point
by Czar Script live, buy now (only $4.99!) http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/463-perfect-crabs/ Want to buy the bot, but only have rs gp? Buy an OSBot voucher here Features Supports both rock crab locations! Teleporting - using tabs/spells Potion support - including combat potions and super att/str/defence Aggressive mode - attacks other crabs World hopping when a cannon is nearby Can randomize fight locations between trips! Calculates next best crab to attack when current crab is low on health! Resets region when crabs don't attack Rotates region resetting every 20-60 minutes Configure inventory load-out with a single button! Changes between walking south and using the cave! Banking support Automatically prioritizes visible crabs when fighting Can recover from being idle Ranged support, loots any type of ammo you have Loots ammo in second intervals (every 2-18 seconds it will loot all) Picks up edible seaweed to extend trips World hops when 7 or more players in the area Displays 'goal' information, e.g. (at 77 strength it will also show details for 80 strength, time left, xp left, etc) Rock crab areas are split into sectors and are cycled every time a rock crab is not found FAQ Why should I use this script when there are millions out there? It is the best script. Simply. Why are you releasing this now? It's time to make this one public, it was privately used for myself and has gotten me 80 strength in a single bot session. How do I set it up? On first use, make sure your inventory is laid out nicely, and click 'Load inventory' to save it forever, then click start Instructions There are no instructions. We do the all the work for you. CzarScripting™ Tips If you have a pure account, it is advised to go east, because there are no dangerous npcs there Use camelot tabs for quicker trips! You can use any potions, including combat ones Clean paint and GUI Want to use potions? Have potions in inventory Want to use teleport tabs? Have tabs in inventory Want to use camelot teleport spell? Have runes in inventory Want to use special weapons? Have special weapon in inventory Want to use ranged? Have ammo equipped Everything is automatically detected like a real robot. We do all the work for you. Gallery nooby account from 1-33 range (for range guild pot) Just from TESTING THIS SCRIPT1 point
Biohazard - Underground Pass (I got 60+ agil) - Regicide - Roving Elves (Got all stat requirements) Need Doing ASAP - Reply with prices below TRUSTED MEMBERS ONLY. NEEDS TO BE DONE BY HAND NO BOTS.1 point
1 point
Don't worry if this method was legit id beat you with it anyways as I have 60k+ crystal seeds at the moment LUL1 point
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I'll sponsor a bond, why not. Worth a shot for that x10 investment ;) Message me on forums1 point
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I am! I can't wait for this fight. I'm really excited for the women's straw-weight bout too. I don't think Joanna's gonna get her title back but I'm hoping she brings something fun to the table1 point
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don't even want a free trial i just bought the script by looking at the progressive mode . i'm speachless1 point
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Token if you are alive anymore I think you should add quest randomizer in some form. I encountered two players doing the same quests as me with the exact same routes and quest order. That's a little sketchy and botlike. Randomizing quests would be a nice feature to add.1 point
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grats at the arena and yes people will buy for those prices lmao...... good luck selling (:1 point
v9.7 I have fully tested my implementations for > 5 hours. But if a bug happens please post using the bug report form found in the thread below. For Bug reports or Update Version Information go here:1 point
1 point
I had interest in these accounts and found out they were re-selling another forums users accounts so just a heads up.1 point
nah, he/she is running a side-business and little patience with some people can go a long way. but that guy doesn't require little patience, he requires to be punched in face repeatedly1 point
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I have 0 knowledge of how to code or where I would even begin. however, I might try that out as well. also, good luck my man.1 point
Is this a one time fee or a monthly fee? How well is it with running nats? Thank you Also can I have trial please1 point
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I thought this area was a hot spot for bans? How people running so long and no ban.1 point