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[Dev Build] OSBot 2.4.57 - WebWalking and small patches


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I was able to trick MGI into letting me work on web walking while he explores some of our other experimental projects. Hopefully my changes don't break anything too serious, so please test this build out if you are using web walking.


In this update, areas which are used as destinations have different behavior than positions. Previously all areas would be broken down into positions and the route finder would generate a path to the closest position (generally speaking).


The two problems with this were:

1. Sometimes your player would end up just outside your destination area

2. Your player may end up walking in your destination area, then continue traversing until the final position


Now if you are using an area as your destination, WebWalkEvent will only finish, and finish immediately when your player enters the area. Additionally I believe that there were a few spam clicking issues which were fixed along the way.


Also thanks to @ProjectPact for reporting a web walking bug where your player would try and teleport in the wilderness. Teleporting in the wilderness is now checked against the rules listed here: http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Wilderness



Happy Botting

-The OSBot Staff

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