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Hello bois! :boge:

Just coming here to say i've been hide and very away of our forum, but yeh I miss u guys all and also coming to share my life with yall,
Im 21 almost married with a 41yo woman which is a very very kind person for me, we also live together now bla-bla-bla.
Last month I was trying to transfer my uni class(foreign trade) to another one(another uni but same class "foreign trade") close to her home, then I got inside and the person who used to attend me said "Sure, you can transfer your class for this region but you also can make any exam about any class for free if you want. Me: - Ummm, ok.. That was I think, ima do this just to do cause its free then i decided to apply for Medicine" which normal exam is $500 to do and $/m is 8K. 
Then yes I did it and passed, i was like WTFFFFFFFF?! REALLY?!!?

All my family, my friends and my girl was so proud of me, but nobody believe it till nowadays hahaha,
So yes guys im very afk here and finally quitted RS for sure! (sold my last stacks of gold really cheap for RSGPDEALS I vouch for them all btw)
and thats it, becoming a Doctor is hard but im very very happy.

Thank you guys and i miss the old good time with rs friends, fights, issues etc.. I'll miss y'all!

PS: Sorry about my English.

Edited by bmw1996
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