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Removing Bought Ranks From Thread Titles?


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As I feel i need to re-iterate this and bring it up again, 


It's really annoying and disheartening when people have titles like



"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [$100+donor][lifetime sponsor]" or "✔Lifetime Sponsor" or "【 Lifetime Sponsor 】ıllıllı"



due to it giving them a false sense of trust, sure you are a sponsor but you have 10 feedback.


Only allow true ranks i.e. (VMM/Super Moderator/Verified Transactor/[xxxx FB]) in the titles of threads on services/middleman threads/account sales/etc.



You don't need to show you bought a rank in your thread title to make it more click-baity because we all know how well that worked out in the past. If you want to show trust, show it with your feedback.


Reply with your opinions of this.




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I agree with this


Just a side note, to those people who put [sCRIPTER] in market sales, what's the fucking point? How does the individual having the ability to create a script affect the market sale in anyway?


It's pure click bait; It should end now. 


Like ultimately, knowing how to script doesn't mean that the scripter is 100% guaranteed not to scam facep.gif

Edited by Saiyan
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fking agree to this!!! this is what I been trying to point out during the pass month lmao...


if u see this thread http://osbot.org/forum/topic/95607-ip-check-taterisgod/#entry1060696 <===  I even have proof in skype where he tell me "bro just go first to me am $150 life sponsor u should trust sponsors" am like fk no ur just a normal player with a rank u bought! 


but what got the attention was that he say $150 instead of $125 lol.... for real everyone should be careful with life sponsor/donator/vip etc. is why I don't go first to any life sponsor u never know who is a scammer or quit scam xD

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Just a side note, to those people who put [sCRIPTER] in market sales, what's the fucking point? How does the individual having the ability to create a script affect the market sale in anyway?

Like ultimately, knowing how to script doesn't mean that the scripter is 100% guaranteed not to scam facep.gif

I trust scripters more than regular members.

For example; If someone is making $200+ a week, and there's certainly a lot of people who are making >$200 a week, they're less likely to scam.

Because if they get banned that >$200 a week is going to stop or heavily slow down.


So they have more of a reason not to scam :)

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