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Everything posted by Solution

  1. I this particular case, that's not something I'd give respect for
  2. You don't have to, others already did :P
  3. Considering user hasen't provided with TOS of his own solely the global OSBot TOS will apply.
  4. Can confirm the latter only happens without linked CC/bank account. Because it indeed does look like you're trying to fuck someone else over.
  5. title, I wont be going first so either MM or you go first. You can add my skype via my signature.
  6. I have requested @Deceiver to reply here and placed him in TWC.
  7. Damn so manny people didn't know about this haha they've been around for quite some time as a pretty stable and good moneymaker.
  8. Welcome, software developing, gaming, pizza eating, anime watching 22 year old dude! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  9. I would recommend getting a basis first before starting to look into scripting! While it can be a good way to learn, starting scripting without a solid basic understanding can lead to picking up some bad habbits down the road! That being said, if you do want to start scripting right away, I would recommend having it reviewed by other people who can point on said bad habbits and mistake you might make! Goodluck!
  10. Banned the multi-accounts, left the ones that seemingly had no correlation alone. Thanks for the report.
  11. What the fuck my account is older but didn't get unbanned wasn't even me that got it banned either
  12. If you need an acc with lower stats you can always hmu! Dont have a maxed ine sadly :p
  13. As stated on the page, up to 28 days, I would assume they stick to that.
  14. hehe I can bid 100k and just leave this unapproved for 24 hours On a more serious note, why 24 hours? Are you expecting a ban...?
  15. Solution


    If you click add on the website it should show up in the script selector in the client. If it doesn't immediately just wait a few minute and/or restart the client. If it still doesn't show, shoot me a PM what script it is and I'll take a look!
  16. You also could've divided your investment by 5000. That's also a possibilty.
  17. Obviously not that extreme, but your lack of reputation doesn't exactly help the price, that is true.
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