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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Gratz on the release buddy, nice paint as well
  2. good luck brotherman, voiders seem to be quite fun
  3. Epsilon

    SOTM Ideas

    A different glow that lasts for the month and potentially a pip that lasts forever (without a glow) showing that you were a winner. People love to collect their Pips it seems.
  4. Ima bout to go watch Jurassic World. I like Triceratops. Much love
  5. i have a mate called james. he owes me like 30 quid the wetwipe.
  6. see ya later. thanks for not scamquitting you are a real good guy
  7. I'm pretty sure you can find items on the ge that people just chuck for super low prices. It's a tad more annoying and tedious but at least it's an alternative where you can often profit.
  8. it's an honour to have been a part of this community for so long
  9. i got ID'd at cream last year
  10. Winnddowwwwsss 8. It is annoying as hell
  11. the login email is the same as the username of the account. So if the accounts name was Epsilon, the login email is Epsilon@hotmail.com I think that's quite nice to have.
  12. potentially selling her yeah. There is email attached that I made just for the rs account, people can have that as well.
  13. No bans, no wealth, few quests done (none of significance)
  14. gluck buddy man. they do look pretty ridiculous
  15. Great stuff team, really good work.
  16. He's been in the chatbox explaining what is left to fix etc. Kept it from being as hectic as it could have been. Round of applause for Alek and the rest of the devs for fixing the bot so quickly after such a massive update
  17. I don't even know how you do it. It's insane. Gratz on release.
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