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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. asuna showed me her chest hair
  2. name: Pasta effects: High source of energy. risks: Not using the energy provided results in gain of weight. price per unit: (You decide, grams/liter/kg/gallon/torr/psi/etc) $5.00 for a 400 gram bag. Creation method: made from an unleavened dough of a durum wheat flour mixed with water and formed into sheets or various shapes, then cooked and served in any number of dishes Addictive level -/10: 0 other details: Can be mixed with sauces.
  3. Epsilon


    Hey brotherman
  4. I do believe he is undervalueing your account. I may just like obby maulers too much but for an account such as that I would pay perhaps 15m
  5. i've been bored before and i quit for about 4 years. Tried it again and enjoyed it so played it again. If something isn't appealing to you anymore you aren't addicted.
  6. Sucks to see brotherman. Hopefully you have some better luck in the future.
  7. I think we'd be surprised with how many people play legit.
  8. 96ing is a whole new world
  9. I have a lot of females friends who I intend to remain with as friends and go no further. I like to treat my female friends more than my male friends when we do things like go for coffee or go out, but often i will just split bills as well. Sorry if this reply is not so coherent, I've been out and drank too many vodka lemonades.
  10. Hey I'd be interested in knowing what kind of xp/hr you hit. Im currently afking in NMZ, got a method where you can profit and requires input once every 70 mins or so and i get 65kxp an hour.
  11. Good chance that the account is going to be more heavily monitored now that you have been banned previously 10m xp is v good tho
  12. Pretty sure you can't unless you previously downloaded it. Others are not allowed to distribute the download link.
  13. Epsilon's Services Questing and Power-leveling I intend to offer high quality services, in which the customer can remain confident in their account's security. Terms of Service For quests, you are required to provide the necessary materials needed. All negotiations of the service will take place on Skype. The customer will pay first, otherwise a trusted middleman may be used at your own expense. All services shall be done by hand, to ensure customer satisfaction, any ban or mute that may occur 2 days following completion of the service, will result in a refund. You shall not login during the service, doing so will result in termination. I shall confirm once the service is complete. I have the right to decline any order. Feedback shall be left following a completed order. Prices are negotiable over Skype. My Skype: Epsilon.OS@hotmail.com PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ADD THE CORRECT SKYPE AND DO NOT SPEAK TO AN IMPOSTER.
  14. As title says guys. PM me or come into chatbox pls
  15. Epsilon

    hey guys

    hey welcome to the digeriodooo
  16. Perhaps even longer, as far as we know delayed bans can happen days after the botting has been done. Maybe leave it a week if you want to be super careful.
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