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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Alek


    If Maldesto is forcing you to say this, just nod your head slowly... or not at all... I'll get the message.
  2. Try downloading it directly from the site.
  3. I don't think any scripts will be affected. Scripts that have world hopping currently however will not be using the new world hopper until the scripter updates his/her script.
  4. This update is pretty large and encompasses something which everyone can benefit from. The FilterAPI now contains something called a singleFilter, returning the first matching result. With this, you don't have to wait for a collection to populate if you only need to filter for a single entity. On the subject of filters, you can now dynamically hop to worlds through the use of world filters in the new Worlds API. In this new API, you can scan for worlds using parameters of your choice such as if a world is P2P, has population of less than 1000, and is not a duel arena world. This will allow for stability in scripts that are reliant on world hopping. worlds.hopToP2PWorld(); Check out the World API here. And for the Worlds API click here. If you are unfamiliar with making filters, here is a quick snippet: Filter ActivityFilter = new Filter<World>() { @Override public boolean match(World world) { return world.getActivity().equals("Duel Arena"); } } Scripter note: The Worlds getAll() method behaves differently from other classes that extend FilterAPI. API such as NPCs can only return getAll() if you are logged into the game, however Worlds can only return getAll() if you are logged out. v2.3.57: -Added unregisterHook to RandomExecutor -Decreased RandomExecutor loop time in half -Added World API -Added Worlds API --Contains new world hopping methods -Deprecated WorldHopper -Added FilterAPI method singleFilter() -Added Widgets method singleFilter() -Added Widgets method getWidgetContainingText(id, text) -Added Widgets method getWidgetContaining(text) -Updated Dialogues API for general performance -Updated Bank API withdraw() method v2.3.58: -Updated Random Executor --Fixes a null issue people were having with world hopping -Other changes Have a great weekend! -The OSBot Staff
  5. The correct amount of RAM will be allocated for what you need automatically. Only override it if you are very certain you know what you are doing.
  6. It's almost as if Jagex has an infinite source of money so they can hire an employee for every clan chat in existence. Or a more realistic scenario, you were auto-muted.
  7. Can't believe someone mad a cartoon of this so fast. Pretty funny too.
  8. Not available in my country.
  9. This looks like it was cheated on. Nobody smurfs an account up to LEM unless you are a Global; and the Global players are pretty well known in the community. With that said, either advertise this account as cheated or contact me on steam with a minimum of SMFC account. I'll leave my private messenger open on the forums. Source: I've been an LE/LEM.
  10. I'm guessing you already checked your planes? Try using just InteractionEvent (it calls walking event methods), it checks for tile/object reachability which may also be an issue.
  11. I used to do a fair share of luring. Most of the old-timers started off with the Wine of Zamorak trick. When lunar's first came out I did it instantly for the wildy group teleport which was pretty profitable. Common scenarios would be just trying to get someone to skull in the wilderness with my real life friend. Example: I find someone and bring him along with me for a duo pk trip. We would "find" my friend walking around in the wilderness and I would start attacking him. As soon as my duo partner attacked him for the skull, I would tb him and my friend with bring out the blitz. As far as luring/scamming outside of the game itself, I wouldn't be able to do it for moral reasons.
  12. An overwhelming large majority of my private messages should not be sent to me. Common topics: -Things which should be addressed in the Script Update topic in the Scripter's forum -Errors which should be addressed in the Errors forum -Suggestions which should be addressed in the Suggestions forum -Disputes which should be addressed in the Disputes forum -Updating someone's specific script By having someone make a thread, I can easily track and manage each issue. Additionally, requests which are not in my department can be appropriately handled by a staff member.
  13. I edited the title because it's misleading; we never made any promises that you would become invulnerable to a ban.
  14. Or use localWalker.walk(area.getRandomPosition))? There's no sense in using paths for every scenario when you can have the walking event auto-generate one using DCPF.
  15. Not sure why you are casting NPC or why you are using arrays in the constructors. Try this: NPC monk = npcs.closest("Monk"); if(monk != null){ monk.interact("Talk-to"); //Conditional sleep until dialogues.isInDialogue(); dialogues.completeDialogue("can"); } Dialogues API: http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Dialogues.html
  16. You're not being cynical and yes it's one of the many reasons. The other reasons include common disagreement between the parties involved (purchaser and scripter). We simply can't enforce every individual agreement between the two; it's already a full-time job doing so for the market. If you decide to participate in private sales, just ensure you understand that the staff will not help you if the trade goes sour. Also, we normally don't like to punish our members over it but solicitation can warrant some hefty warning points. You know how ridiculous this is right? None of us would even want to look at the code for Timmy's Karambwan Buyer. Private scripts are generally written just enough to work so the scripter can cash out while public scripts require much more maintenance.
  17. By popular request, the Grand Exchange API has been created. With 20+ methods in this new class, scripters are afforded a great deal of flexibility. Since this is brand new API, I'm sure there may be a handful of methods missing so please ensure you make API Suggestions here. To view the Grand Exchange API, click here. @Alek's changes: -Created GrandExchange API @Maxi's changes: - Changed BFSWalkableArea and CircularPathFinder to use an extension of java.awt.Point that uses a custom hashCode() method. - Adjusted Widgets#isVisible to not only check for active root id's but also for drawn childs. - Fixed camera event to turn to entities on the edge of the map viewport (previously it would not work for entities with a distance bigger than 15, it now uses position#isOnMiniMap(). - Fixed WalkingEvent to return if the next tile remains the same for a certain amount of cycles. - Fixed MiniMapTileDestination#isVisible() and #evaluate to actually return correct values - Added a failsafe in the InteractionEvent if minimap walking failed to use main screen walking - Added a failsafe in the WalkingEvent if the minimap walking failed to use main screen walking Have a great weekend and Happy Botting! -The OSBot Staff
  18. This issue has already been resolved in an update from over a week ago. I'm guessing you were only recently forced to download the new update?
  19. For as long as I can remember, the account database where you store your RS Account details and preferences suffered from potential deletion every OSBot update. The reasons are a little bit technical and although it was possible to patch the old system, I decided to make a new one. Please note that just like the old system, the new system will store your information in plain text locally. Never give anyone your OSBot files (store.dat, accounts.dat, etc). For advanced users, you can directly modify preferences by opening accounts.dat. The format is currently as follows: username,password,pin,exp,breaks,avgInterval,avgBreak,intervalDeviation,breakDeviation,dismiss_randoms So for instance: test1@aol.com,password1,9999,MINING,f,2,2,2,2,t I know there are a few "mega-farmers" out there that would really appreciate this. TL;DR: You will lose all your account data this update, but future updates will not affect the new account database. In addition the Settings API is going under a huge re-work. Soon scripters will be able to enjoy the full functionality of everything in-game settings has to offer. Changelog: -New account management system -Added SettingsTab enum to Settings --Contains Display, Audio, Chat, Controls --Added Settings method open(SettingsTab) --Added Settings method isTabOpen(SettingsTab) Have a great weekend -The OSBot Staff
  20. If it's a general connection issue, it will attempt to log in about five times. You might want to get your internet checked out or consider not botting on such an unstable connection.
  21. 12 March 2015: Before I worked on the response code callback and listener, I was really interested in having the welcome screen operate purely based off of color. Although a lot of people don't completely agree with me, I would much rather sacrifice speed for stability. I did eventually opt to use response codes for the welcome screen, however my interest in creating an OCR application didn't fade away. Here is a pretty early version of my program analyzing a screenshot of the welcome screen: I want this program to be fully trainable. Currently there are a few other OCR applications out there that are very powerful, but suffer from usability and design. How it works: A folder is a "font pack" and each image in the font pack represents a character; e.png, E.png, a.png, etc. The image is a simple black and white of the character and the program reads it to create points of reference. Training it is very easy but it lacks "character construction". This means that if the letter is not the correct size or is slightly distorted, the program will fail to read it. Scanning documents and reading them is probably out of the grasp for this project, however reading text from games will be very achievable. Some goals: -Attach to applications -Option to detect text without defined color (will be slower) -Process multiple files -Synchronize multiple image processors 20 April 2015: I've finally had a bit more time to work on the project and it's coming along nicely. There are a few optimizations made but as of now the code will remain messy until generating the text is perfect. 21 April 2015: I finally have the complete methodology accomplished, just need to work on some serious optimizations and cleaning up the code. 23 April 2015: I decided to wrap up the project and host it on my site. To download and view the instructions, click here. There are a bunch of features and optimizations I would have liked to add, but as it stands it's sufficient.
  22. Power chopper script with super anti-ban technology: loop: checkStats(); sleep(random(1813,2832); moveMouseSlightly(); sleep(random(2342,3312); moveMouseOffScreen(); sleep(random(981,2231); typeRandomly(); sleep(random(2221,8535); woodcutting.cutLogs(); sleep(random(99923,100324)); checkFriendsList(); sleep(random(1003,4002); examineRandomObject(); sleep(random(3424,9921)); checkAchievementDiaries(); sleep(random(918,3412)); woodcutting.dropLogs();
  23. I don't know what this is about. Could you please link me to your bug report thread?
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