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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Alek

    SDN Update Forum

    A place where we can let Admins know when we update our scripts on bitbucket. 1. The script writer will make a topic which nobody can reply to. 2. When the admin updates the script, he/she locks the topic. That way I don't have to kick and scream and beg for my script to get updated.
  2. This is actually everything I was requesting. I'm glad to see the administration taking such initiative to improve the whole botting experience. Very good work!
  3. Very smooth, definitely a great upgrade.
  4. This new design looks very "template-y".
  5. 1. The red needs to be something different. Maybe something darker like blue? Default background should be marble. 2. Instead of "OSBot" it would be nice if it was the OSBot logo. 3. OSBot.org homepage should be compatible with IE9/10 or whatever.
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