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Everything posted by Alek

  1. The Mirror Client BETA testing has been going quite well considering how massive the project is. Thank you to everyone who is making bug reports as we transition from the beta versions to stable versions. @MGI made a ton of patches this release to the mirror client and the list is far too large to contain in this post. Once again, thanks for all the support and continue making bug reports for both the mirror mode and standard mode. Changelog: @Alek's updates: -Added more dialogues -Deprecated InterfaceComparator -Added WidgetComparator @MGI's updates: -Mirror client fixes Edit: There was a corrupt version on the server. If you are having issues please re-download. Happy Botting -The OSBot Staff
  2. Alek

    Random error;

    It's not a mirror client error, its a GUI error with the updater.
  3. Although I'm far from a mechanic, I'm always willing to try something. With that said, I went to go tighten my AC belt to see if it would fix some squealing noise I was getting. Of course I forgot to loosen the nut holding the pulley in place and the plastic tensioner broke thereafter. The local mechanic shop offered to fix it for ~$200... yeah right! I ordered the plastic piece which broke which came with a new pulley, $10 with shipping. After that the entire pulley came out so I could replace the parts: Thanks to my friend rust, I broke a tool in the process. Fortunately I was able to replace everything: Unfortunately since I broke my tool, I wasn't able to tighten it back in the car. My dumbass decides to drive with it loose and a bolt came loose vanishing onto the German highways. I was going to order the part and wait about 2-3 weeks for delivery (after searching junk yards with no luck), but I remembered a Subaru dealership near me. After heading to the dealership and buying the part for 1 euro (and giving him a 4 euro tip), I was finally able to complete the project: Estimate by repair shop - $200 My costs: -$10 for parts -$5 for more parts -$10 for new tool set Total $25 + new tool set + additional replaced part
  4. Similar to MessageListener that listens for messages in-game, the LoginResponseCodeListener listens to response codes on the login screen. Below are a few of these codes: INCORRECT_USERPASS ACCOUNT_DISABLED GAME_UPDATE FULL_WORLD STOLEN_ACCOUNT BETA_WORLD CUSTOMER_SUPPORT BLOCKED_COMPUTER As you can see, there are a variety of codes that both developers and script writers alike can use to improve your botting experience. Immediate implementation of these codes is apparent in the AutoLogin solver. When attempting to log into the game, the response code listener will check to see if such codes are received. If they are, they are evaluated for the best course of action such as: 1. If the world is full, wait a minute to try re-connecting. Do this a couple times and give up if there have been too many attempts. 2. If your account has been banned, don't try logging back in. 3. Error connecting to the server, try re-connecting in a few minutes. Implementation (for scripters): @Override public void onResponseCode(int code) throws InterruptedException { } Also check the ResponseCode listing. Changelog: @Alek's updates: -Added LoginCallback --LoginResponseCodeListener onResponseCode(int code) --Added constants class ResponseCode -Updated AutoLogin solver to handle various response codes -Updated Dialogues class @Maxi's updates: -Added containingActions to Widgets -Updated Trade API Happy Botting -The OSBot Staff
  5. Wrong place, plus it has already been reported.
  6. Since the two behemoth releases introduced less than 48 hours apart, we've been working hard to ensure that the transition process has been going smoothly. Although I'm sure not everything is completely patched, we're starting to settle back into a stable state. Please thank @FrostBug for donating his account for the Bank Pin solver patch as well as finding the correct values for Prayer. Changelog: @Alek's updates: -Complete patch and re-work of Dialogues API -Hotfix for Chivalry and Piety -Patched and improved BankPin solver -Fixed Script Selector packing issue --The interface should no longer get stuck -Small gui update to booter @Maxi's updates -Further improvements to Widgets and implementation --Visibility checks explored and evaluated Have a great Sunday/Monday, -The OSBot Staff
  7. It's available for sponsors, VIP/Sponsors/Staff are grouped together in the same category. If you don't have access please let me know.
  8. There will be bugs on a good handful of configurations out there, so please be mindful of the beta status. Remember to post as much information as you can in regards to any bugs that are apparent (errors, computer information such as OS, 32bit/64bit, etc). Tomorrow is the weekend so all developers will be in full swing in meshing all these behemoth projects together.
  9. Alek

    Dynamic Sleeping

    That's not really dynamic because it still creates a pattern. Furthermore I would be safe to say that a majority of bans stem from either client detection (which we are working on), average bot play time vs average human play time, account age, and activities that you are botting. In regards to what sleeps you should be using here at OSBot (or botting in general), it should be conditional. What happens if you get a lag spike and your sleep time of 1kms isn't enough before the next action? Either it will fail the next action or loop through your logic again. Take a look here: http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/utility/ConditionalSleep.html
  10. Please screenshot and respond here with the picture.
  11. This was not meant to replace response codes.
  12. Funny that you mention this because Maxi wanted me to work on OSRS update handling found here. There are a few codes which already exist that should be able to tell this.
  13. I've always wanted a way to collect data visually and although this approach is impractical for many applications, there are a few advantages in having optical character recognition. Below is a short demonstration video in scanning the screen for the character 'E'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itYcXz5603w This is my first time ever trying to make an OCR type of system and I am pretty clueless to what algorithms already exist. Searching a canvas for a single character alone consumes a ton of resources and ensuring that my search is optimized is very important. When developing the OCR search, I initially came up with something I called the ink blot. The ink blot would search pixel by pixel and try to create a shape based on the color of pixels which surround it. This shape would then be compared against the character which I was searching for and determined if they had identical points. The problem was clear, after about 500 pixels (I was searching over 250k pixels), creating shapes for each pixel point was too resource intensive. The second search method which I created is something I'll refer to as the typewriter. The character which I'm looking for is essentially stamped at each position and checked to see if the colors at that stamp match the points of my character. This means the character 'E' was checked quickly over a few thousands times at varying positions on the screen. ocr.setBot(getBot()); if (ocr.getBot() != null) { OC character = ocr.findChar('E'); if (character != null) { System.out.println("Found character at: " + character.getX() + "," + character.getY()); } else { System.out.println("The character was not found!"); } } else { System.out.println("The OCR bot is null"); } This was a fun project which took me a little under 3 hours to complete, so searching for full words and other features from a fully developed OCR system is not apparent. With this said, would any script developers or botters find use from something like this?
  14. This is so hard-coded that scientists have recently identified it as the new hardest substance known to man. On a serious note, I believe you copied the incorrect code. If you didn't, you should be analyzing each if statement.
  15. I thought it was pretty self explanatory. Is there anything in the interface I can do to make it easier to understand?
  16. Alek


    Uhh, why are we still discussing the PositionFilter? It's already implemented: http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/filter/PositionFilter.html
  17. Due to the large spike in users over the last few weeks, we were able to gather a lot more information on a connection error certain members were experiencing. Furthermore, random event solvers have been disabled and cleared from your profile accounts until we can ensure each solver is fully functional. In the meantime, you can "dismiss all" random events or simply ignore them. @Maxi's changes: -Optimized general connection procedures -Wrote custom SSL handlers to successfully authenticate affected users @Alek's changes: -Disabled toggling random events --Random event settings are overridden on account profile load Remember to report bugs in the Errors & Bugs forum; we are very vigilant and rely on our members to make swift modifications as bugs become apparent. Happy Monday -The OSBot Staff
  18. Today I finally got around to promoting some of our finest to the ranks which they deserve. @Divinity has been promoted to Script Manager. - You were a natural choice for us and there was nobody else who was more qualified than yourself. As a Super Moderator and OSD, you were ready to take on newer challenges and responsibilities. I was very reluctant to someone else other than myself stepping in, but now I am very eager to work alongside you. @Czar has been promoted to Official Script Developer. - I swear it was people spamming me 100x a day to promote you (just kidding I hate getting nagged). I knew you were ready, however your initial OSD Application was lacking distinction. After showing me some of the amazing projects you have previously worked on (and reflecting that in your application), you clearly defined yourself as a well rounded programmer. Continue your work and your skill set. Also you have 1 week to release your slayer script before you get demoted. @Valkyr has been promoted to Official Script Developer. - Your application was accepted on a pretty rare circumstance; acceptance based purely on your script source code. You discussed varying backgrounds in the field of programming without much physical proof (snippets, screenshots, etc.). This lead me to grading you purely based on your scripts, and I was pleasantly surprised to do so. You've really stepped above and beyond what I expect from a typical script; readability, cleanliness, strong OOP, and great packaging. The web-walking sealed the deal, welcome to the club. For the other applicants, I may or may not have already sent you a message on where you need to improve on. Please keep in mind that additional projects besides OSBot scripts is highly recommended. For me to accept your work, I'd like to see something tangible (screenshots, snippets, videos, etc). Once again, congratulations to all three. -The OSBot Team
  19. Alek


    Welcome to the inner-circle (*cough* evil empire *cough*).
  20. As soon as someone reports it properly we'll look into it.
  21. I'd rather us debug what the problem is because our walker has a little bit more to offer than something made in 15 minutes.
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