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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. https://gyazo.com/ed919005e54f0ff8c9745b645ffdf998
  2. i mean, you could have 5 accounts with 1month + cooldown and switch those after X amount of gold traded (like 500m or smth) I use random accounts that sit and don't have work atm. And i switch them every couple weeks / month. I think it really depends on amount of gold traded + from what kind of bots you trade etc. I never did suicide farms and my bots would last long with low number of them getting banned before i sell them -> i have got only 1 maybe 2 mules banned from 2013 or smth for rwt.
  3. 7m for 1st acc. i take back my bet cuz i saw that 2 days ban
  4. wasting money to get on front page, like wtf
  5. https://gyazo.com/65c1e9324d1ba08b8104b37ca6ea011a Very nice 3 letters name + Beaver Pet I would sell it for more then 50m tho
  6. we talk about euros, so you your from eu, so 750euros wount make any problems. try not to get one big payment, better more smaller. and if you would make something like - Skrill credit card you would have even less problems on your head. skip that crap paypal man..
  7. i got runite miner, 36cmb with 57 mage and 30 something hp
  8. idk much about things, but i think 8 osb client with that cpu is decent number. Probably you could clock it (?) and also, gpu have no different, so sell that and buy better cpu : D i'm sure you got enough ram for 15+ clients
  9. @FrostBug yoo, possible to get a trial? and for how long - from when its active? thanks bud
  10. i would sell that gold to ppl who buy at like what..0.9$ / mil? so thats more like 44-45m
  11. still looking? got 1 done (36cmb 57 magic 36 hp) and will have one more soon thats cmb 3.
  12. https://gyazo.com/853c0b59d11813c6b9f59e451ff5be4e 40$ worth of gold if interested.
  13. more like 85 fishing. i would guess 35m from someone who is trusted : D
  14. yh, he should have thrown away his reputation with bigger scams right?
  15. How long it takes for Trial to be activated? And thanks! @Khaleesi
  16. Can this do Mage only zulrah? like do not use range at all? @Fruity
  17. what about black chins in wildy, does it works good there? Would it work with breaks? like, do not try to go to break while getting attacked by black unicorn after geting out of corp cave or in similar situations?
  18. @Czar hi, does this support ZMI?
  19. @Khaleesi hello, can you confirm ZMI is working right now? Can't find bot that would support ZMI
  20. Can i select my own hunting spot in your progressive mode? and does it support teleports / charter ships or other fast-traveling methods, or only walking?
  21. safespotting in general is a bit buggy, and wyverns pulls you out of safespot a lot..so i doubt it would be worth. it would do the job but would also fail a lot..
  22. But if not that, breaks work good and it does not fail at breaking?
  23. but does it switch from guthans -> dps gear?
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