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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. i got one. Its like 48 str 40+ attack and 50 wc. No email set 7m and its yours haha
  2. guywithlsd

    PC UIM?

    Are ppl interested in ironman accounts at all? like are they in demand? And stats - https://gyazo.com/077d6b3bea376642a2245243127648bf inv - void / rune defender / dragon long + some crap
  3. got nmz main - 97/99/97 - 60 pray / range / magic or something like that. Only nmz quests done. Rock cake too. no bans.
  4. Got skiller - 86 mining / 70 agility / 63 herblore / 53 farming. Green colored grace set, mining set, expert miner gloves, blue skin, etc. No email set - 60m
  5. Runite miner / Green colored grace set / miner set 85 mining / 70 agility / 63 herblore / 53 farming No email set 50m would be legit price to ask?
  6. don't look from this point man..you will end up slaving you should ask your self - what i could do online to make more then OSRS goldfarming (with bots obvious, not hand) EDIT - i personaly now started learning forex trading / margin / chart reading and understanding. Going to do BTC margin soon and then if i like it, will move to something more serious. (im a goldfarmer btw)
  7. would say you can expect to get from 10 to 15m/ acc
  8. farming in private server no wonder they get fkin crap profit
  9. dude, how long that was ago, you considered about that? now remember what was happening with botting in same years of runescape..we live 10-15 years from that date.
  10. have this problem been solved? fuck @Czar im sad to say that, but you don't progress at all with your scripts..they have absolute same problems over and over again on afighter and looks like this one too. Idk man..sad. Not to mention last previous 3-4 comments are ignored..
  11. bgloves = 80m..thats with with all quests + stats or only quests?
  12. yh dude. im going to throw atleast 20% of all profit from botting to BTC and don't touch it. started this month, will see how much i can save up, then not it up, and then track how much profit i made on top from BTC going up.. I really hop there will be a bigger drop in price sooner or later so i could stack more before it skyrocket again..
  13. shit, this is next OSRS in terms of botting. I bet you can run vanilla WOW on potato and if i understand correctly, it's super boring and super grindy just like OSRS, so gold will be in demand
  14. i can get 1- 40 farming. 4m / account
  15. idk about 70 mining, but don't sell 85 mining with no reg email for cheaper then 35-40m
  16. from what i remember, yes. But share your route that got you banned so we can compare. If i would run this script for more then 45mins i would get pretty much insta ban. not all the time. If i would break and run for like 30min each session - or like 2 quest -> brerak, then i would get no ban, but pausing script is very buggy and to stop / start you have to track every quest it does to not stop in middle. + risk of bot bugging out and you have to finish quest..man to much problems : D
  17. I'm more interested how much would cost to make one as a custom? I know there is a bit of quests and then kudos collecting. So yh, let me know how much that would cost to PM. Thanks
  18. @Czar my man, can you throw me a trial? would love to test zmi / master slave options!@ pleeeease
  19. @Khaleesi my man, idk if i ever asked beforer but could i ask for trail?
  20. if you pay 45m/acc i can make couple.
  21. So yh, need 13-55 slayer done on 60 str account. Possible to use cannon / magic until lvl ~41. Then only melee. I provide supplies and everything is needed. In total - ~160k slayer xp. Comment GP/XP rates or send me PM
  22. Anyone could confirm sand crabs plugin working O.K. right now>?
  23. https://gyazo.com/ed919005e54f0ff8c9745b645ffdf998
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