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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. So yh, clean accounts. No angler outfit. Will not be getting them even if you pay more. Bulk order cheaper - if you buy 5+ i'll sell for for 9m/ea If no bulk - 11m/ea I will not go first unless you got bunch of feedback. We can allways use MM. I accept OSRS GP // ETH - Crypto // SEPA bank transfere I am OO of all accounts I sell. Login emails are FAKE.
  2. Hello, i got couple ready. Add my skype - rofl_dued
  3. https://gyazo.com/71bcde501c8eec7b153584cf30c24f2b Got full melee void / dragon defender / d long and some quests. IDK price, offer something.
  4. this no RoD thing..have been around for AAAAGES..damdam How often this would happen?
  5. lvl 3 no email 82 fishing 15m/ea. i will make better price if someone offers for lower @HastyLife
  6. ok, makes sence. i was thinking about stats for botting zulrah right..so you need atleast 85 range / mage to be efficient. anyways, sorry for off-topic.
  7. May i ask in what price range those accounts sit? like 20-30mils?
  8. can you even get zulrah acc for 40m that would not be recovered next day?'
  9. I have miner / fisher. Either 55+ mining, or 76+ fishing. No emails combat level 3. Got bunch of them if you plan to use for farm.
  10. i got 5x miners CMB 3 // No emails - all of them have mining level 59+ (some have 62 i remember) Also, 4 of them have 75+ castle wars tickets. Would sell them 7.5m EA if u buy All 5.
  11. well, best and most populars MOBA's are considered LoL and Dota right? if so, then in my expierence, this game have only 1 thing similar to those MOBA's -> those big teamfight when you go all in 2v2 / 5v5 etc. the way you use abilities, how fast they recharge, energy system, ulti system, all those thing are way different. there is no items to buy to change your play style. no much object to focus / control on. no big map to run around wasting time. and A LOT of skill involved. Controls are absolute different then in most MOBA's - you control with WASD - Mouse 1/2 buttons / Space -- Q -- E -- R -- X1 and X2 abilities. Way more dashing / jumping / aiming ETC.
  12. Battlerites -- good game, check it out. Free on steam. NO p2w. This is moba with no creep farming or other waste of time activity. just jump straight to 2v2 or 3v3 battle and enjoy pure arena PVP (mix of League of legend @ wow arena) Check it out on twitch to see how does it look when you start to go to ranked games..shit is intensive If we already have some players there, add me - GWL420 (i'm still noob level 35, but fuck havn't had this much hype for anygame in looong time! playing atleast couple matches every day haha)
  13. To avoid automatic camera rotation you can use Konduit client, it does not rotate camera at all after hours.
  14. So, every f2p world cooper rock is mined buy some dude who gets his accounts to 50/50/50 and then just sits on one cooper rock. I mean, he would not do that if there would be no reason right? https://gyazo.com/95154704d35b879bda8fdc25d55f8193 what you guys thinking? And maybe in general, opinions on those f2p farms that gets you like 10k/h per account - worth it? not? why not? I think it's big waste of time and is more of a "fun" then really "farming gold" or anything releated with goldfarming..you make shit profit. even you you have bigbig farm.
  15. guywithlsd

    LF 85 mining

    got one - cmb 3 / no email / fake login / 85 mining - 45m
  16. we talk about game where i can get advantage over someone to get more gains. OP is not interested in being "better" then his opponent he is not interested in fair "competition" go back to edge w18
  17. "If you need better engine to be faster in race, you shouldn't be a racer" - LeBron logic 2k18
  18. Title. Will use middle man / you first / or i'll go first if you are trusted with a lot of feedback and stuff. PM
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