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Scripter II
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Everything posted by ez11

  1. ez11


    did you do anmy quest that is on this list: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/92297-stealth-quester ?
  2. there is no life after death. this is the only life you will ever have and you are now wasting the best years of your life on a 15 year old browsergame
  3. wtf 2,2k cmon dont be so greedy
  4. people still play league?
  5. the master/worker mode looks good
  6. 90% of the posts in spam =
  7. vape and smoke weed every day lelelel
  8. real guide how to deal with odds staking in duelarena as a maxed meele acc: tell Xers to fuck off.
  9. ez11

    More RAM

  10. i dont have an acc i could test this on
  11. Does anyone here know the average exp/firewave when you use overloads for 75-94/99 mage? also firewaving should be 1,1k casts per hour is that correct?
  12. i love osbot because i dont like doing cancer stuff in rs myself
  13. i think the politically correct term is "disabled person"
  14. ez11


    So? I stole it first
  15. ez11


    what a weird coincidence that dbuffed now has a weath profile pic a week after i made changed mine to that didnt knew i had a fanclub lul
  16. i hope trump wins. thats gonna be fun when he ends up doing pretty much the same as everyone else before him in the importan things. unlucky for mexicans tho
  17. i really love the high quality posts today
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