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Scripter II
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Everything posted by ez11

  1. ez11


    also weird that vip shows over veteran
  2. ez11

    I hate

    why would he play CS:GO when he could just play CS:Go ?
  3. agreed maldesto is a cool guy
  4. ez11

    exp calc help

    pretty sure its 1,3 hp exp per 4 range exp so hp exp/h * ~3,07 should be range exp/h
  5. no they can only detect that you arent using the normal client otherwise they would just be able to ban everyone whos botting. Also they cant just ban everyone not using the offical client because most people use osbuddy
  6. i once ordered a large pizza with lots of stuff on it for myself and then woke up on like 3am that night and was hungry and went to a mcdonalds lol was on medicine the week before that and couldnt eat normal food
  7. lets put it this way: one of the 2 cba is a good guy and the other one is scotty
  8. wow now we only have one competent cba left
  9. hybriding is more fun than bh but from those options i prefer either msb ags zerker or void ballista with g maul switch. ballista gmaul is just so broken
  10. dont forget you can also go into chatbox and spam people until they give you their goldfarming methods
  11. you get ~800 tabs/h with unnoting in rimmington and using a hosts house and slightly above 1,1k in your own house with a butler
  12. I cant think of any autistic kid right now. The last ones were really obvious
  13. they refunded people when servers were getting ddosed though
  14. :frog: nice feedback u scammr!! :frog2:
  15. pre eoc was nearly impossible to get banned for botting if you didnt goldfarm though
  16. good lukc you will need it if you bot all the way
  17. ez11


    he should get unbanned if trump wins the election in the us imo
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