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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/RandomExecutor.html#getTimeUntilBreak--
  2. Hey, At the moment this does happen yes, although you will be logged out shortly after for inactivity. (much like a normal player would I suppose). I took a look at the API a little while ago to try and find this feature (getting time until break) but couldn't. Upon looking now, it seems i've found it (perhaps not where you might expect), and I might implement moving to the hop position to log out. However there's no guarentee that it will work consistently and I will run some tests over the next few weeks and try and get it added ASAP
  3. Heyo, cheers for this. I've thought about adding waterbirth support but the fact that it's singles makes it pretty tough to automate as you have to carefully enter the spot after refreshing such that you don't wake them all at once. As a result, if the bot were to do it, it could potentially be detectable as the bot would consistently make the same mistakes a human wouldn't make (it would be possible but difficult to prevent this). Additionally, with the release of sandcrabs, more AFK locations have been added meaning that if you want to simulate afk-training it's probably best to do it in a multi-combat area such as crab claw isle. That is not to say that I don't plan on adding it in the future, I may work on adding it at some point as the bulk of the rock crab code needs rewriting anyway, but I cannot promise anything for now! Cheers, Apa
  4. i've given you a 24h trial starting now. Enjoy! ~apa
  5. Ah, yeah. You need to make sure you import the things that you're using!
  6. Can you send me a screenshot of the exact error you're getting perhaps?
  7. Hmm, I will take a look into these for you guys, not sure what could have caused this. Perhaps thursdays update although it's unlikely. Cheers apa
  8. task/state you can call it whatever you want I guess. A simple way to do it is have an enum of states and switch between them, although this results in two potentially large blocks of code which is not ideal. You can split these states into classes if you really wish, and have condition/execute methods but that's really just another way to achieve the same thing. How you structure a script really depends on the function you require, whether it's AIO etc..., there's no one way of doing it really. Getting the structure right is the hardest part to get a good balance of code readability and flexibility. It's definately worth trying to get right at the start! apa
  9. Perhaps try using some classes instead
  10. Not sure why it wouldn't drink the super strengths, could you please let me know, what are the values displayed in the paint when the script is running? specifically the potion counters
  11. What if you're not at a bank
  12. I would highly recommend against that. Although you might have gotten lucky in the past, using while loops like that means the risk of getting stuck is high. There's no perfect solution but it's important to design your scripts as to minimise this risk!
  13. Apologies haha, it's a sure way to end up in an infinite loop, perhaps consider a for loop or a different design such as integrating a method relying on the onLoop's delayed loop to retry!
  14. You can't rely on an api method to execute correctly first time, low-cpu or not (The reason for this is the bot is dealing with a live game, so latency fluctuations / dcs etc also have a say in the script execution). For this reason, writing scripts in a heavily 'recipe' style is not recommended (e.g bank#open, then bank#withdraw assuming the bank is open after calling bank#open) Try and design your scripts such that it will do whatever it needs to do and repeat if necessary to reach the desired in-game situation. (tip: try the if statement) ~apa D:
  15. I will add it to the list of places to add. Still working on the re-write, but running into some structure issues which means the update is taking longer than I would have liked. Hopefully everything should be in place for next seasonal though!:) ~apa
  16. Ah, apologies. I put through a trial request but it appears to have been denied due to the trial you recieved on the 12th march 2016. As the script has been through a bunch of new versions since then, i've given you a new 24h trial starting now. Cheers! apa:)
  17. There are no requirements whatsoever, and I would say that sandcrabs are better xp as sandcrabs have 60hp (compared to rock crabs' 50hp). Also, sandcrabs have a larger choice of camp locations so you have less down-time running around spawning new crabs. Cheers! ~apa
  18. I've had a few requests for this, however I concluded I probably wouldn't add this for a few reasons. Firstly, I do not wish to clutter the gui further - it is already quite busy and adding this would require a significant number of components. Secondly, a large amount of the userbase for the script run with pure accounts, and there is currently no code to do with switching attack styles. For fear of the script messing up for whatever reason and ruining pures, I concluded it would be a risk worth avoiding! Thanks for the suggestion though, let me know if you have any further queries!:) ~apa
  19. https://www.youtube.com/user/Slothiq
  20. I don't think it does actually, but it might do, i'm not sure. If it doesn't, I can always add it - I'm working on a re-write as we speak so I will put it on the list of things to do Whenever you want a trial, just let me know ~apa
  21. Because a bot is alot more risky + you're risking macro major
  22. Unfortunately not, sorry!
  23. Hiya! I've just started your 24h trial. Sorry for the delay, Just got back in. Hopefully it's what you're looking for ~apa
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