Met her online, she contacted me first. Been talking for about 2 months, finally went out with her today. It was alright, had some coffee, she paid, i was gonna pay, so i was kind of surprised but satisfied she did. She looked better in person than in her pictures, so i thought if she wasn't as exciting or didn't meet my expectations i wasn't gonna talk to her anymore. I was pleasantly surprised. There were of course silent moments, as even though you might text on the phone alot, it's different in real life.
I asked her the usual shit, what she did, job, whatever. I asked her if she hasn't got anything going on since she's always wanting to do something, we could go out again. She said yes, and me being the unemotional prick that i sometimes am, felt like i was being too hard on her. At the moment, i am just giving it some time until i will text her again but i don't know what i will plan next, i don't date much really. Anyone with some good ideas? Don't tell me to cook her something, i don't cook and i can't bring her to my place since i live in a shitty apartment. If you could share some of your first date experienes would be great also.