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Everything posted by Mustikurupt

  1. It's happened to me a few times, not sure why but when it does happen, i just clean out my pc and restart the whole thing.
  2. Train defence, it has alot of good stats too
  3. Have a good one mate, hope you see you around once in a while
  4. Can i buy some ready made food and act like i cooked it myself?
  5. I don't know, look up ''Mustikurupt'' or ''TNAFreak420'' on Youtube, you'll find out what my voice sounds like.
  6. lol i'm not the romantic type, i know how to set it up but im too fucking lazy for it lol
  7. Lmfao da hell can i do at a salsa class? Oh god that's hilarious. But she does some dancing, some hip hop shit i think so i don't know
  8. Lol honestly my plan was to get with her just to get laid for a while, but i'm not sure if i can do that. I'm very careful with that love shit, taking it one step at a time lol Lol i live in an area of Sweden that can only be described as a "immigrant ghetto" so i don't want her around this place too much. Also i might not cook for her yet, she has to be worth the effort, which she is not right now lol
  9. Met her online, she contacted me first. Been talking for about 2 months, finally went out with her today. It was alright, had some coffee, she paid, i was gonna pay, so i was kind of surprised but satisfied she did. She looked better in person than in her pictures, so i thought if she wasn't as exciting or didn't meet my expectations i wasn't gonna talk to her anymore. I was pleasantly surprised. There were of course silent moments, as even though you might text on the phone alot, it's different in real life. I asked her the usual shit, what she did, job, whatever. I asked her if she hasn't got anything going on since she's always wanting to do something, we could go out again. She said yes, and me being the unemotional prick that i sometimes am, felt like i was being too hard on her. At the moment, i am just giving it some time until i will text her again but i don't know what i will plan next, i don't date much really. Anyone with some good ideas? Don't tell me to cook her something, i don't cook and i can't bring her to my place since i live in a shitty apartment. If you could share some of your first date experienes would be great also.
  10. >soccer ot: 3 miles? It sounds like alot since i don't use the American system
  11. Not to worry, most scripts always need to be fixed in some form or another, either due to a Jagex update or just something entirely different. I have had problems with scripts before and i usually just talk with the scripter and let them know it isn't working properly and send them a screenshot. Then they can let me know if it's a client issue or if it's the script and they will fix it afterwards. You're probably new here so i'm just advicing you not to be too hasty, botting scripts can't always work flawlessly
  12. I would go through those tits for 1m +, and then motorboat those jugs
  13. I think @The Hero of Time would do it, no doubt. He's ambitious
  14. I messaged the scripter about this today and it's apparently a client error. We'll have to see if it gets fixed soon.
  15. Pro Wrestling is more extreme #ECW #E-C-dub
  16. lol who bots on RS3? But seriously, i hope for your sake that account wasn't important :P
  17. The day Ron Mayer became a legend. Also, if you happen to find a 2 k page with that name, i'm the admin posting, so give it a like ;D
  18. ''Relacchhhh acchhhh relaccchhh'' hahahahahaahhaahha
  19. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1920349722082&set=vb.121823757841269&type=2&theater this is hilarious, especially if you like Pokemon
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