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Everything posted by Mustikurupt

  1. I saw it and changed it thx for telling me
  2. I am currently training Range, my goal is to get it to atleast 70 so i can start doing Blue Dragons (Watchtower). I was feeling lazy, so i thought i would use my cannon to speed up my xp. I was not expecting the results afterwards. With my best gear, i was getting max 30 k per hour, this is after i used a cannon. PS, this was at World 301, lots of people were there but i forced them to leave, lulz http://i.imgur.com/uhFVmLc.png
  3. lol at the ''Tyrone'' comment. Just bought 2 million gp so i should get back the amount that i lost by tomorrow. In the midst of my obvious mistake, i realize it could have been worse. Oh well, thanks for reading guys
  4. It happened almost 15 minutes ago, right here on OSBOT. One of the admins deleted the post right away, but it was too late
  5. I'm probably posting on the wrong forum, but i'm in shock over how stupid i was. Some of you probably saw the post where some user named ''Jimmies Rustled'' posted a fake phishing link, saying how Jagex were banning people. I didn't even bother to check the ''secure'' link on the URL, but then it hit me. I looked at his post count, and seeing how that was his only post, along with the ''Thread not found'' i had realized i was fucked. Things got even worse, as i had to obviously change my password and access my email account, but i couldn't remember it. Took a few minutes, but it was too late. The fucking cunt took around 500 k, some tabs, law runes and my Amulet of Fury. A small price to pay, for being ignorant. I will take this as a lesson learned, i will definetly keep my eyes open next time.
  6. Fuck i clicked, damn it, should have seen it coming. Time to change passwords again, sigh ..
  8. Thanks, i was just following a shitty guide so i got confused lol
  9. Already solved it, lol sry for the unnecessary post
  10. Buy a VPS, there are public ones and Private ones. That's the best chance you have, unless you wanna get detected again. There are probably other ways but this is how most people do it, good luck to you
  11. I'm going to start making tabs, so i am wondering, which one is the most profitable to make? There are many, like Camelot teleport, Ardougne Teleport etc, i would like to know, from those who are doing tabs, which one they think is the best ones to make? Appreciate some answers, thanks
  12. I can't access the VIP forum. I did pay for the VIP, so I don't know what's wrong. I tried a system restore but to no avail. Here's a screenshot of how it looks like http://imgur.com/UyAVeIc
  13. When can i expect a refund? I bought the Insane Fletching bot by 5uck. I haven't recieved it yet, so let me know when you're on it. If you want more info, PM me. Good work guys.
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