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Everything posted by Mustikurupt

  1. lol I'm not sure if Jagex are trying to disrupt the botters or something or if they are just wanting to remove randoms for no reason
  2. The botting bans have decreased due to improved anti-ban, better human mouse movement and scripters implementing profiled anti-bans different for every user so that Jagex will have a hard time making a pattern so to speak
  3. It's obviously a very masculine woman
  4. lmao that's hilarious. I really did think she was female though the first time i saw her other pics, which was many months ago
  5. You're the first person that said it lol, i wanted to see what people would actually say, but this surprised me lol
  6. Posted link now, sorry abt that, couldn't upload the pic somehow
  7. I wanna see what you guys think http://gyazo.com/559c54e18209934c56ec894aa9efbd8d
  8. Good luck, post some pics though
  9. should have added @Realist in there as well
  10. It sucks, because i wanted to play GTA Online today and these cunts ruined it for me.
  11. lol wtf was that about xd
  12. Mustikurupt

    OSBot 2.2.14

    Great news to hear
  13. This should be pretty apparent by now, but i'll say it again. Don't bot until the F2P trial is over. It's only 5 days left, and i believe they'll make it free, so when that happens you can goldfarm again. In the meantime, don't even attempt it, you'll just get banned again.
  14. What Quest(s) Do you need done: Legends Quest Do you agree to the Terms of Service: Yes I do. Have you added my skype username: Yes. Payment method: 07Gold. Will you leave Feedback: Yes.
  15. I'm not really surprised, if you leave their hamburgers out for let's say 2 months, it'll still look exactly the same, no degrading or anything. Same thing goes with their fries. They used to put pink slime into their Mcnuggets but removed it after they were caught using it on their products.
  16. lol if only it was that easy, if she wasn't gonna give it up, i doubt she'll do a BJ
  17. lol as much as i would like to, i think a ''SEEN'' status along with the silent treatment will be enough for this one, i hope she never forgets about it
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