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Everything posted by Mustikurupt

  1. I got it just to laugh at @The Hero of Time
  2. Goldfarming in general is suffering right now due to mass bans, with the ongoing F2P trial being the main reason. I would predict that after August 28th, in which Jagex will decide if they're gonna make 07 completely F2P, it will be much easier to goldfarm since they won't have as much control as they do now. In the mean time, you could bot with a decent main for a few hours a day, switching tasks and questing, making some decent money per day.
  3. I would not goldfarm right now mate. It'll be a waste of time since Jagex are banning all goldfarm accounts within hours of being made. I suggest joining a service and getting paid that way.
  4. lmfao how is this still up im serious
  5. lol good fight bro, times are tough right now
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJJ-P2DuxqY Here you can see the man himself in action, oh my fucking god what a song, it's so mind boggingly good
  7. The Based God needs the outstanding Veteran rank. There is no explanation needed. He will improve your lives by leaps and bounds and make you euphoric. Please sign the Petition here: https://www.change.org/petitions/based-god-give-based-god-veteran-rank-on-osbot#share Thank you and have a good night. @Realist
  8. Can't compete with Based God though http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/109/251/tigerwoods.jpg Hey @McFirm
  9. looooooooooooool what a hilarious 'dispute'
  10. It's likely safer now due to OSbot 2 but none the less, i'll still be careful
  11. Need some decent guesses, currently got around 75 k Maple logs to bot to about 97, but don't wanna use it for too long. Anyone that has gotten banned firemaking and where?
  12. I like that GIF man, nicely done
  13. Damn give Based God the Veteran treatment yo
  14. Congrats man, being Defender must have been a pain in the ass lol
  15. I have botted Red chins from 63 - to 76 and i haven't gotten banned yet or a 2 day. I would recommend you don't do Hunter every day, do it every few days and change up your skills. Red Chins is one of the riskiest places to bot, you should always expect a ban. Do it safely and be patient and you will be fine.
  16. I would like to hear some suggestions, preferably cheap but not too slow thanks
  17. He claimed to be Blood and and was scared as hell by a real Crip lmao
  18. It's a hilarious video, some kids claiming to be gangsters get put in their place in prison. Hilarious stuff, can't get the thumbnail on this video for some reason http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhh9yP3N0iBYXn6860
  19. You should have been dropped on your head as a baby you little shit
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