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Everything posted by Mustikurupt

  1. Does anyone remember back in the day (around 09') standing in Lumby/Fally in 301 and asking people "Press 123 if you want bf" and some female character followed you to a room and you "sexted" (Runescape version). Weird as fuck, but i saw it happen too many times.
  2. Great release, only thing i would suggest is implementing NPC spell while doing Law running. If you're using pouches, they will obviously break and nobody wants to go to the Abyss when they have already completed Lunar Diplomacy. Other than that, this script looks very promising. Keep up the good work mate
  3. I tried the site u sent me, doesn't work. I'll have to send it to you as a PDF, either through PM, Skype or Mail. Let me know when you can do it
  4. I have a scanned and downloaded PDF file, it's my grades, need to do some editing .. anybody that knows how to unlock it? Can't seem to find a suitable software, except Photoshop which isn't working for me somehow. PM me or post here if you can help, it's urgent, thanks.
  5. lmao i wasn't nervous, just stressed and hundreds of people waiting for my ass to make a move,
  6. I thought it would be a piece of cake, and i needed the RC'ing leveling since im only lvl 58. Went there with almost 13 k noted pure ess, and full inventory. The original host wanted me to take over, with lots of people in Clan Chat and others waiting. I fucked up so bad, took me 5 minutes to realize my mistake, had to go to Castle Wars to make space, went back to Entrana with 26 spots left, and i saw that i once again had full inventory from my previous trader with a second one waiting for me. In panic, i logged out, left the clan chat and promised myself never to host law running/any type of hosting again involving Runecrafting. Holy fucking shit.
  7. Personally i've done around 60 minutes, with 10 - 20 minute breaks. It seems like a small number but that's usually how i play.
  8. Currently at 44 Herblore and 33 farming, all from quests basically. I have tried looking for some 07 guides online, but no luck so far. Anyone that has any ideas as the most efficient way to level up? i have no motivation to get these two skills up to 99, i would rather watch paint dry instead. Please post here if you know how, i only want to level up to 57 Herblore/49 farming to further get access to that sweet Quest Cape. (Currently at 173 quest points, went from 134 to 173 in 5 days)
  9. I would suggest Yaks, very low defence and good hitpoints. Rarely crowded and 5 second respawn. Only downside is, you gotta finish Fremennik Trials and started Fremennik Isles to the point where you can go the island with the yaks. It's worth it though, unless you want to stay at Rock Crabs
  10. I don't understand why some of you are doing it. The way i see it is, if we get f2p permanently, bots can be used again without having to be banned after 2 hours. If we don't get f2p, Jagex will be up our asses and botting will get even harder. That's just my theory, but it makes sense. What's your thoughts?
  11. Currently training at NMZ. Getting those levels up mane. What's the better weapon to use, the whip or the axe? I got the full Dharoks but im just not feeling the axe, what's your personal experience, let me no
  12. Where's the most common world? Any idea?
  13. If you do know, pls tell me which world is most populated, trying to get Bandos Gear without soloing lol, thanks
  14. I woocutted from 54 to 99 at teaks in Ape Atoll, my max proggie was at 28 hours, used SXForce script but it had a terrible antiban. None the less, i got my 99 a while back, when botting wasn't so risky. Take it easy out there and good luck.
  15. I was training Yaks a few days ago while talking to another player. A bot was there, around 60-70ish combat, didn't say a word for atleast an hour. All of a sudden he starts talking, and gives us what was probably the worst excuse for not talking that i have ever heard. He claimed his mother was doing some parental watch on him and that he would be grounded if he talked to other players online. Then he said he was 9 years old and that his mother stood near him to keep him in check. The amount of BS i encountered that day, it was priceless. I laughed for like 20 minutes straight due to the fact that he actually thought he sounded convincing. He hopped worlds a bit after, but none the less, it made my Range training worthwhile.
  16. Like the title says, some RS guys trying to get girls numbers saying things like ''Do you wanna see my Godsword?'' Real good stuff.
  17. Apparently a J-mod came to my area while i was training my Hunter levels legit, at the Falconry. While i was logged out for a break, he came and looked around for 10 seconds and left. A level 115 player told me right away when i logged in. This is why i didn't want to bot Hunter at all lol. Just letting you know guys, it was in World 302, be careful out there. Just found out it was Mod Mat K.
  18. I'm currently at 35 Hunter, yea it's not a big deal lol. I'm probably gonna go Crimson Swifts until 99 actually, can't find a better option, they're amazing xp.
  19. I'm at 17 Hunter, trying to do it legit. Waiting for those stupid birds to get to my trap is making me fall asleep. Trying not to bot and get banned though lol. Anyone that knows when Hunter gets easier?
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