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Everything posted by Mustikurupt

  1. I'm currently botting Runecrafting and i haven't been caught yet. It's all about changing your tasks during the day. Don't just fish, do some questing, some Rcing, some Agility, anything useful to you. If you're looking for quick money, Rcing is perfect. I make almost 2 million a day Law running then selling because of the extremly high demand. Bot safely, switch up your tasks, use long breaks and you'll be fine.
  2. What Quest(s) Do you need done: Dream Mentor Do you agree to the Terms of Service: Yes Have you added my skype username: Yes Payment method: 07 GP Will you leave Feedback: Yes
  3. hahahahahahahahahaha !!!
  4. Here you go mate http://osbot.org/forum/topic/41641-how-to-cancel-automatic-renewals/
  5. Difficult to say. Depends on a variety of factors. If you bot overnight, you leave your bot all out in the open. It's been done before with success. Only advice i can give you is if you're gonna bot, change up your tasks during the day instead of just fishing, otherwise you'll get banned regardless.
  6. Hey mate, could you make the script use the Ring of dueling that's already worn? It takes out one ring when i already got another. Is that normal for players to do or does it seem botlike? I always wore my ring of dueling, so im uncertain. Thanks. Update 2: Another thing i just noticed, it takes out Super Energy Potions out of the bank but when the ''Run'' goes down to zero, it still doesn't use the potion. Apart from that, great script, very humanlike and everything. Update 3: The script exits upon not finding Air runes, even though they're in the bank http://gyazo.com/bb57f7acbb0753bcdd7352933514be25
  7. I still got my main, botted back in December/January to get 99 Woodcutting, usually logged on for 28 hours or so so a level. It was easy back then, now i'm not even gonna try it. Even used a crappy anti-ban that did nothing but scroll to the friends list and look at the xp. NOTHING ELSE. Literally. That's saying something.
  8. According to Jagex, the f2p trial ends August 28th, which after that they will assess the whole trial and if it was a success and what not. My guess is that if they do make it permanent, they will get sloppy and goldfarming will increase. Right now they got us by the balls, let's just hope they'll loosen the grip on August 28th.
  9. For me it's Mysterious Old Man. Every time i need to teleport, he shows up.
  10. I know, but i'm asking which one? Prayer potions are too expensive to make due to the cost of ranarrs, so i need a compromise.
  11. Currently at 46 Herblore, need to level up to continue my goal for the Quest cape. Any suggestions on herbs? I need some advice, like what's the best potion to make, not too expensive but not too slow either, help would be appreciated.
  12. Nope, not a single ban. Not even a 2-day. But to be fair, i only botted to 82 and it was back in May/June, don't wanna try that now. It would be appreciated if you didn't mention which script you were using. You're essentially making the scripter look bad for something that you chose to do on your own free will. You bot, you get banned, end of story.
  13. Then why don't you go ahead and do that? This community doesn't need your incessant whining. You botted. You got banned. Some of us had maxed main accounts perma banned, yet you don't see them crying about it. Deal with it dude or go somewhere else.
  14. Thanks alot mate, appreciating the efforts.
  15. I was trying to get my Smithing up, so i bought steel bars. After a while of doing it, i decided to buy gold ore to speed up the leveling. I went to Zybez, looked for gold bars, bought 5 k bars for 800 k, only to realize i was supposed to buy Gold ORE, not bars. I went back, spent 1,4 million on ores, but it wasn't over yet. I checked my bank and saw that i had cooking gauntlets and i needed goldsmith gauntlets. Went to Varrock to make the change, paid 25 k to one of the Family Crest brothers only to get Chaos Gauntlets. Finally, i went to Al-Kharid, paid another 25 k to the right guy this time. Money well spent or what? I must have taken 5 marijuanas, because this is just moronic lmao.
  16. Congratulations, you got nerves of steel doing Hunter to 99 legit
  17. It's been difficult to bot for a while now, especially for goldfarmers. If you look back 6 months ago compared to now, it was a piece of cake. I used a shitty script with virtually no-antiban for days at a time and got 99 WC. Now if you try that, you're done within 2 or 3 hours if you're unlucky. Since F2P was implemented, Jagex has been going around Runescape banning people manually. People still bot, but alot of people get banned for many reasons. Overall, i'm not botting myself due to the high alert, when F2P becomes officially free, we will likely get a bit of a change for the better, until that time, be very careful with botting.
  18. To answer your question, no there is no proof Osbot is detectable. However Jagex have been handing out bans left and right. With Osbot 2, bans have somewhat decreased but the risk is still there. I would wait with using those bonds for goldfarming, people have been getting instant bans on fresh accounts, until some changes are made on the client, you should probably wait with botting, but it's your call.
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