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Everything posted by Th3

  1. Th3


    It's okay man, just say you pulled a maxi.
  2. Why would you have jre7 if you only got java 8?
  3. Ye. Take the small ban and don't question it or you can email Jagex and ask for a longer / permanent ban if you are unhappy with it..
  4. Thanks bby. Also helped me get a GF and a BJ.
  5. Update tool to work with the new OsBot Server.
  6. They blocked access for some reason to sort throught them.
  7. Th3


    I thought some people might make use of this for either custom interaction or checking if entity is visible. Don't mind the ghetto fire entity check. import org.osbot.rs07.api.Client; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Model; import org.osbot.rs07.api.util.GraphicUtilities; import java.awt.*; public class Calculations { public static Polygon getModelPolygon(Entity entity, Client client, Model model, int gridX, int gridY) { if (model == null) { return new Polygon(); } if (entity.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Fire")) { return entity.getPosition().getPolygon(client.getBot()); } else { short[][] screenCoordinates = GraphicUtilities.getScreenCoordinates(client.getBot(), gridX, gridY, client.accessor.getPlane(), model); Polygon temp = new Polygon(); for (int triangleId = 0; triangleId < model.getTriangleCount(); triangleId++) try { int triangleA = model.getVertexXIndices()[triangleId]; int triangleB = model.getVertexYIndices()[triangleId]; int triangleC = model.getVertexZIndices()[triangleId]; short[] pointA = screenCoordinates[triangleA]; short[] pointB = screenCoordinates[triangleB]; short[] pointC = screenCoordinates[triangleC]; Polygon aw = entity.getPosition().getPolygon(client.getBot()); if (pointA != null && pointB != null && pointC != null) { if (pointA[0] <= -1 || pointA[1] <= -1 || pointB[0] <= -1 || pointB[1] <= -1 || pointC[0] <= -1 || pointC[1] <= -1) continue; for (int xpoints : aw.xpoints) { for (int ypoints : aw.ypoints) { if (pointA[1] <= ypoints && pointA[0] <= xpoints) { temp.addPoint(pointA[0], pointA[1]); } if (pointB[1] <= ypoints && pointB[0] <= xpoints) { temp.addPoint(pointB[0], pointB[1]); } if (pointC[1] <= ypoints && pointC[0] <= xpoints) { temp.addPoint(pointC[0], pointC[1]); } } } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException var13) { } return temp; } } } public boolean isVisible(Script s, Entity entity) { Polygon polygon = Calculations.getModelPolygon(entity, s.client, entity.getModel(), entity.getGridX(), entity.getGridY()); if (polygon != null) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(4, 4, 512, 334); return rectangle.intersects(polygon.getBounds()); } return false; } public Rectangle visibleRectangle(Polygon polygon) { if (polygon != null) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(4, 4, 512, 334); return rectangle.intersection(polygon.getBounds()); } return null; } You could do without the null checks as well.
  8. Dont ask for the impossible. That's it?
  9. Dislike. Lets go fight me
  10. [ERROR][Bot #1][07/15 11:52:57 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ScriptExecutor.java:99) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Kills the client.
  11. Trippy game. It's like legos + minecraft.
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