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Everything posted by Th3

  1. Th3


    Nezz is love. Nezz is life. Nezz is all i need.
  2. I have messaged some of you. Contact me via skype and lets see if we can find what is causing it.
  3. Do you have java 7 or 8? Osbot works with 7 only at the time being. Open cmd and type java -version and see what it says.
  4. Hashes have been updated to latest version of osbot 2. It will also tell you to update if you use osbot 1 file on it, as it is obsolete.
  5. [ERROR][Bot #1][06/23 04:59:04 PM]: Error starting bot #1 ei at dq.u(dq.java:59) at client.init(client.java:612) at org.osbot.rs07.Bot.initialize(Bot.java:711) at org.osbot.SB.run(rg:253) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #2][06/23 04:59:14 PM]: Error injecting client! java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect at java.net.TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method) at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source) at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source) at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source) at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at org.osbot.utility.Crawler.get(o:192) at org.osbot.rs07.RS07Parameters.<init>(RS07Parameters.java:22) at org.osbot.core.inject.RS07ClientInjector.inject(sc:4) at org.osbot.rs07.Bot.initialize(Bot.java:690) at org.osbot.SB.run(rg:253) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #2][06/23 04:59:14 PM]: Error starting bot #2 java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.Bot.initialize(Bot.java:702) at org.osbot.SB.run(rg:253) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  6. What about this. Here is chat with bunch of rainbow names: http://i.imgur.com/3i9Wt2Y.png On an avrage laptop: As you can see it is running in a very good state. Slowness can be from cloudfare service. Which can slow things down sometimes, even location may be a variable. But it is a necessary service.
  7. The script is made to only change the style of visible names. So if there is 100 donor names on the page but your view only has 2. It renders those two. So it should be very efficient and not be cause of lag. You guys can simply be really far from the servers or have ping issues. The chat may load slow, but that is because of the addition zach made to the chatbox to help prevent us from not being able to join. show us this.
  8. Th3


    Easy when your laptop got a touchscreen.
  9. I'll count the moments you are gone.
  10. Th3


    dont pay attention to the topic testing something
  11. Th3

    C4D Sig

    What do you use?
  12. Th3


    control + f5
  13. Your body enters a sleep cycle every 90 minutes. When you set an alarm with apps like these, it uses the devices motion sensors to estimate when you fell asleep and when the last sleepig cycle ends closes to alarm time. It might wake you up 15 minutes earlier bit you wake up easier, because you wake up before entering a new cycle.
  14. No one really understand's jagex's ban logic. They usually perm ban on first offence if you are botting a gold farming method and less likely if you are botting combat.
  15. For the past week I have been using a sleep tracker, "Sleep as Android" for andorid or "Sleep Cycle" for iOS and I can confirm that waking up feels much easier. The apps take advantage of the 90 minute sleep cycle and movement detection to wake you up. Does anyone else use such systems? If so how do you like it?
  16. I use something similar to that, I found moving entities or the player's movement itself cause enough inaccuracy where nothing more is needed. I also got better results when only a small portion of the entity was visible or entities with holes in them. Some modification is still needed to the points for some entities, such as fire, or ladders, objects that are half submerged underground. Mine removes any points that are below the position it's on.
  17. Its one of the blending options you got covering it.
  18. oh you want post area? #181818
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