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Everything posted by Th3

  1. May be a problem with cloudfare or a firewall issue. If not try it again tomorrow, it might just be too much server load. I'm getting a similar issue with other sites also on cloudfare tonight. Try opening cmd and do ping osbot.org
  2. Its possibly that or some DNS issues. Unless it starts happening several time a day, I wouldn't worry about it. When it does happen try control + F5 to refresh cache as well on the website.
  3. It shouldn't be a common problem. This is fine if it happens once in a while.
  4. Th3


    This is a known problem with ipb chat servers. Osbot does have plans for a new chat system in the future.
  5. Setting up shop its not as easy as you think it is. Also look into joomla and its shop plugins, once you get it setup it got a user-friendly admin panel so he can edit the shop himself. If you need a free plugin, redshop offers a fairly decent free version.
  6. Glad you got it sorted.
  7. Can you be more specific? Can you see Avatars? Signatures? Also check to make sure imgur.com is not blocked.
  8. Nezz is love. Nezz is life.
  9. I told her about our relationship. You are single now.
  10. Try to land a new ip. If its just one account, I wouldn't worry too much if you can't. When you do make a new account, stay away from botting for like a week or hot spots. New accounts get flagged very fast even if you play legit.
  11. What do you guys think would happen if @Maldesto wasn't just osbot admin, but also admin of the world. I would imagine people getting ip banned and people walking around with TWC tatted on their foreheads. Would the world be less fucked up or more?
  12. So you are either a scammer or an idiot. Hmm
  13. If i were a mod I would just ip ban you and OP. Both of you are flight risks. There is roughly 90% chance both of you scam since you guys seem to be okay with scamming since it's just pixels.
  14. Click one of the red twitter buttons
  15. Whats your friend's osbot username? So we can congratulate him.
  16. NEWB it's bot.getRandomExecutor().unregisterHook(RandomEvent.BEE_KEEPER);
  17. First question is hard to answer. Second its a different was of injecting that makes it harder for jagex to detect it. We don't recommend unchecking it.
  18. I hope you guys know these are bots, not people.
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