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Everything posted by Th3

  1. Don't they also need a custom mouse handler? SInce osbot api mouse.move only goes to a rectangle.
  2. Maldesto Features: 16 Random Phrases Drops ALL inventory items 20 random Emotes Video: Download: http://up.ht/1pDFYtP
  3. I hope there is an option out of this. If my script is released for free for a week, it will vastly damage rs economy and gp value.
  4. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/53157-osbot-troubleshooting-tool/ Try the delete data option.
  5. Th3


    Maldesto and I have looked into it, but it looks like some core chat files might have to be altered or key. I asked Laz to see if we can get the chat on a different server somehow.
  6. The following is a simple standalone tool I made to help resolve/identify some common osbot issues. Osbot Client: This is the current state parsed from the forums. If the forums are unreachable, it will tell you that. Osbot Database: If this is false it means either osbot is down for everyone or you have a firewall on your computer or router blocking access. Runescape: weather or not runescape is reachable/online Java version: If false uninstall your current versions and install java 7 (1.7) Check Osbot Jar: It will check the selected osbot file 1 or 2 for any corruption. This uses md5 to verify it. Delete Osbot Data: This will delete the entire osbot data folder. This sometimes fixes problems if the files in there become corrupt. Cannot be undone. Version 1.1 https://mega.co.nz/#!Nx8xHDwZ!Ss5D91zjiCbpswFLf6wHKov37U1CUFdVro5BXutwwf8 Older Versions
  7. Took me two days to download. Seeder/Leecher ratio is awful.
  8. It works like paypal you can send money to friends and family using their system who also have an account.
  9. Someone who has some decent java experience. So they can provide logical answers and debug procedures.
  10. Today amazon launched their new system, Amazon payments, which is supposed to work similar to PayPal and compete with it. Someone look into this, their fees, refunds / charge back procedures and such. I'm too lazy but we might have a new way to handle market payments. https://payments.amazon.com/home
  11. This looks more like a menu interaction bug rather camera angle.
  12. 1. Open door 2. Step outside 3. Interact with said outside 4. Repeat until dreams stop
  13. Posting is fairly easy. Many tutorials on it on Google. http://forums.zybez.net/index.php?app=priceguide&module=public&section=action&do=trade-add?auth=authkey&id=id&type=1&qty=quantity&price=price&rs_name=rsn
  14. Will the web-walking allow for custom pathing? In other words, blocking off unsafe areas for detours.
  15. Th3

    oh google

    http://i.imgur.com/8J4nYnB.png But its data people accepted to share with Google. If you don't want them to collect information about you, you simply don't use their services. Where NSA collects regardless of what you want. The anonymous data they sell is just for statistics. They don't give them your personal information, so who cares. Their ad system has helped countless businesses, so a user searching for pc parts doesn't get an ad about a cupcake restaurants.
  16. Th3

    oh google

    They are indeed big because they do not sell the information. If they sold their information to others, there would be no need for google anymore.
  17. Th3

    oh google

    Google doesn't sell your information, they keep it in their database but its not sold to third parties. They do sometimes provide anonymous data to third parties tho.
  18. Th3

    oh google

    Google doesn't sell your information, you noob. They sell adspace but the information is never sold, you basically tell them i want adspace and i want to target everyone in California between the ages of 18-35 that like dogs. Which is why I respect and use Google. I love Google even more than I love you.
  19. Noted. I won't argue with you anymore.
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