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Everything posted by Th3

  1. The one in SND has been out of stock for a while. For some reason they don't want people to have it, which is why I made this.
  2. Th3 AIO Tab Maker Update: Progress 1. GUI - Done 2. Auto Locate Study Room and find a way inside. It will attempt to open doors. - Done 3. Fail-safe from combat randoms, makes sure a door is open in the study room to allow OSBot to run to safe spot - Done 4. Locate butler and request more soft clay - Done 5. Pay butler when needed - done 6. Join home portal back in case it ends up logging out - Done 7. Paint - done 8. Join host home - Not done 9. Sell and buy soft clay from general store - Not done 10. Fail-safe - Use dinning room bell to summon butler in case butler is too far away - Not done 11. Make it bit more efficient it gets 600-800 tabs P/H I want to make it a solid 700-900. - Not done Trial download for bug testing. http://up.ht/14EezxG For the time being it will only work with a butler and stop after 30 minutes, until the release status is decided. Please post any bugs you find. Personally I want to release the script for free; however, I'm curious what you guys think.
  3. Th3

    BETA v1.7.20

    needs to be reuploaded
  4. Th3

    BETA v1.7.19

    Run from combat works but never returns to original location for me. [INFO ][07/11/13 07:34:41 PM]: Activating random : Run Away From Combat [INFO ][07/11/13 07:34:42 PM]: This script does not use a custom RunAwayFromCombat handler. [INFO ][07/11/13 07:34:42 PM]: If you are developing the script, use a RandomBehaviourHook! [INFO ][07/11/13 07:34:42 PM]: We've selected position [[x=xx17, y=yy47, z=0]] as a suitable destination to run away to! [INFO ][07/11/13 07:34:43 PM]: We've selected position [[x=xx28, y=yy72, z=0]] as a suitable destination to run away to! [INFO ][07/11/13 07:34:43 PM]: We've selected position [[x=xx03, y=yy73, z=0]] as a suitable destination to run away to! [INFO ][07/11/13 07:34:45 PM]: We've selected position [[x=xx27, y=yy49, z=0]] as a suitable destination to run away to! [INFO ][07/11/13 07:34:45 PM]: We've selected position [[x=xx26, y=yy68, z=0]] as a suitable destination to run away to! [INFO ][07/11/13 07:34:46 PM]: Exited random : Run Away From Combat [INFO ][07/11/13 07:39:45 PM]: Activating random : Login [INFO ][07/11/13 07:39:52 PM]: Exited random : Login
  5. Th3

    Doubling money

    I also trim armour.
  6. Th3

    1.7.13 bug?

    I guess this is only for melee?
  7. Th3

    1.7.13 bug?

    Is the script trying to attack a monster?
  8. Th3

    1.7.13 bug?

    After 1.7.13 bug I cannot get any combat scripts to work. They are unable to attack npcs. I don't see any updates from jagex. Anyone else experiencing this? edit: its working now.
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